Contemporary World Cultures

6th Grade Social Studies


In Modern World Cultures and Geography, you will be traveling the world and exploring cultures right from your seat. You will learn about geography, cultures, economics, governments, and environments. As we set off to explore, continent by continent, your understanding of the world and why places are the way they are, you will become a more informed, global citizen.

Class Information

As a member of this class, you must:

  • Complete and turn in one weekly vocabulary assignment, called Social Studies Skills
  • Follow the DVISD Responsible Use of Technology Agreement
  • Try your best everyday! There is no need to fail - you always have the right to revise and redo any assignment or project and you can always, always ask for help from your teacher.

For this class, you will need:

  • One 1” or 1 ½” binder to leave in the classroom
  • Headphones or earbuds you can bring to school when asked
  • To turn in: One pack of computer paper OR one box of Kleenex tissues