treat others the way you want to be treated

The Middle School Counseling program consists of three main areas, Academic Development, Career Development, and Personal/Social Development, with direct services for students such as classroom guidance lessons, and individual and group counseling. Some of the services offered under Academic Development include quarterly academic growth groups for students in need of grade improvement, and study skills lessons. All 8th grade students participate in a Career Development unit that includes identifying personal interests and tying those interests to potential career areas, as well as, an introduction to the New York State Standards for completing high school. Within the Personal/Social Development continuum students experience AVP workshops, which are designed to provide students with the skills necessary for conflict resolution and good decision-making. Also, grade level groups are offered dealing with issues such as self esteem, social skills, and goal setting.


MS End of the Year AWARDS Ceremony will be on June 17 at 1:15 in the HS Auditorium

Young Video Game final.pdf

Parents of future game designers.... SUNY Oneonta has a summer program for your child.

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Interesting Article: Resilient Kids Come From Parents Who Do These 8 Things
