Teacher ILP PD

ILP Courses are now available on-demand!

This means you can access them anytime, anywhere, and complete them on your own schedule. Clicking on a course below will prompt you to self-register for the course (follow the prompts) and join the course. When you first register in the course, you will see instructions about how to begin on the course homepage under "Announcements."

Successful completion of all course requirements will grant you an ILP credit. These will be applied to PD Place within a week of course completion (you will receive a registration email from PD Place when the credit is applied). To obtain an ILP laptop, you need to complete 5 credits, one from each category below.

For more information on ILP requirements and completion, click here!

Click on a course below to register and begin learning!

**More courses will be added soon!

In this session, we will explore the use of Google Suite. G Suite is an online productivity suite that includes Google Drive, Docs, Slides, Sheets, Drawings, Sites and Forms.

This course will introduce you to the D2L Brightspace Learning Management System (also known as the provincial Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) used for online and blended learning. Basic navigation, communication and assessment tools will be discussed as well as how to access and get started with your own class. Brightspace allows you to import ministry-created (Technology Enabled Learning Ontario) content and integrate provincially licensed applications.

In this session, we will explore the use of Google Classroom as an extension of your classroom. We will look at a digital workflow for your class including assessment and feedback.

This course will introduce you to the Moodle Learning Management System. Moodle allows you to use blended learning in your classroom and access customizable communication and assessment tools. This course will introduce the tools to you and the basic information needed to create and get started with your own class.

Online digital tools that allow you to collect assessment and evaluation information will be explored in this course (including Kahoot!, Poll Everywhere, Socrative and Plickers).

This course will explore the connections that can be made between the 4-Step Inquiry Process and a 3-part Math Lesson Plan. Online tools will also be explored to help embed inquiry through technology in your math program.

This course will provide participants with an overview of The 4 Stages of Inquiry. We will explore numerous online information tools that will allow teachers to leverage digital within all four stages of the research and inquiry process.

Read and Write for Google Chrome is an extension that works with online productivity suites (e.g. O365) and webpages. This session will focus on the features of Read and Write including the word predictor, text to speech, speech to text, voice notes and a .PDF and.KES reader. Participants will also review how students have the ability to collect information using the highlighter tool or build a vocabulary list with visuals and definitions. Read and Write will be a supported software for EQAO and OSSLT.

This course focuses on how to manage digital tools and resources with your students in your classroom. You will have the opportunity to learn how you can facilitate a supportive and collaborative culture while using digital technologies. Finally, this course will cover the policies, procedures and laws that are applicable to you as a teacher and how they impact online interacts with students.