Professor Helena Sheehan

Emeritus Professor

Dublin City University

Academic interests


Until We Fall

Monthly Review Press / NYU Press, 2023

Monthly Review | NEW! Until We Fall: Long Distance Life on the Left  

Navigating the Zeitgeist

Monthly Review Press / NYU Press, 2019 

The Syriza Wave

Monthly Review Press / NYU Press, 2017 

Marxism and the Philosophy of Science: A Critical History

3 editions

Humanities Press International, 1985

Prometheus Press, 1993

Verso Books, 2017 

Irish Television Drama: A Society and Its Stories

2 editions

RTE, 1987

Four Courts Press, 2004

The Continuing Story of Irish Television Drama: Tracking the Tiger

Four Courts Press, 2004

Mapping Irish Media: Critical Explorations

"A Voice From the Dead" Introduction to Philosophical Arabesques by Nikolai Bukharin

Monthly Review Press / NYU Press, 2001 

Other publications

Index of open access texts on Doras (DCU online research repository)

(journal articles, conference presentations, book texts)

Some recent articles

“Totality: Decades of Debate and the Return of Nature” in Monthly Review September 2023

Monthly Review | Totality: Decades of Debate and the Return of Nature

“The Disinformation Wars: An Epistemological, Political, and Socio-Historical Interrogation” in Monthly Review June 2023

Monthly Review | The Disinformation Wars: An Epistemological, Political, and Socio-Historical Interrogation

Return of the Dialectics of Nature Debate” in Monthly Review September 2022

Monthly Review | Return of the Dialectics of Nature Debate

Marxism, Science, and Science Studies: From Marx and Engels to COVID-19 and COP26” in Monthly Review May 2022

Monthly Review | Marxism, Science, and Science Studies

“The Synthesizing Impulse” in Monthly Review October 2021

Monthly Review | The Synthesizing Impulse: J. B. S. Haldane

“Sophistry, Politics and Philosophy” in Socialism & Democracy 2012

Sophistry, Politics and Philosophy - DORAS (

Class, Race, Gender and the Production of Knowledge: Considerations on the Decolonisation of Knowledge” in Transform 2020

Class, race, gender and the production of knowledge: considerations on the decolonisation of knowledge - DORAS (

"When the Old World Unravelled" in Jacobin 2018

"The Wire and the World" in Jacobin 2018 

"Closed Rooms and Class War" in Jacobin 2017

"As the World Turned Upside Down" in Monthly Review 2017

Multimedia productions

Songs of Irish Labour

CD 1998

Contending World Views of Our Time

DVD 2003

Guest lectures, keynote addresses and conference presentations

University of Pennsylvania, Temple University, Harvard University, Princeton University, Boston University, New York University,  University of Bridgeport, Fairfield University, Villanova University, University of Toronto, York University, University of London, University of Paris, University of Cape Town, Stellenbosch University, University of Johannesburg, Philosophical Society of Southern Africa, All Africa House, COSATU House, Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin, University College Cork, National University of Ireland Galway, University of Limerick, Queens University Belfast, Maynooth University, Safarik University Presov, USSR Academy of Sciences, International Lenin School Moscow, GDR Academy of Sciences, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Hungarian Political Science Association, Tito Political School Kumrovec, Interuniversity Centre of Postgraduate Studies Dubrovnik, Goethe Institut, Renner Instiut Vienna, Brecht Forum, NY Marxist School, Socialist Scholars Conference, Left Forum,  Science and Society, Irish Labour History Society, Society of Socialist Social Scientists, People's College, Kilkenny VEC, Media Association of Ireland, Irish Film Institute, Radio Telefis Eireann, Irish Philosophical Society, Philosophical Association of Ireland, Royal Irish Academy, Forfas, Comhlamh, Irish Writers Centre, Liberty Hall, European City of Culture, Dublin Institute for Adult Education, Teacher's Club, Ballymun Job Centre, Peadar O'Donnell Centre for the Unemployed Galway, Arthouse Temple Bar,  Association of Irish Humanists, Irish School of Ecumenics, University of London, University of Birmingham, University of Wales Cardiff, People's History Museum Manchester, Ireland Institute, National Autonomous University of Mexico, University of Athens, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Historical Materialism conferences, World Congress of Philosophy, International Congress for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, International Television Studies Conference, International Association for Mass Communication Research and many more

In Autumn 2024, teaching at Peking University in Beijing

Mass media

Many tv and radio appearances in Ireland, Britain, USA, USSR, Canada, South Africa and Greece, eg, on RTE, TV3, Newstalk, BBC, CBC, Moscow Radio, ERT, Sto Kokkino, NPR, Pacifica

Many articles in newspapers, such as the Irish Times, Irish Independent, Sunday Tribune, Mail and Guardian, Green Left Weekly, and magazines, such as Jacobin, Counterpunch, Crane Bag, Graph, Making Sense, Times Change


University courses (modules) taught: history of ideas, world views, philosophical perspectives on science, science technology and society, media studies, reading news, social history and tv drama, politics and popular culture, sociology of knowledge, political philosophy, 20th century intellectual history


PhD Trinity College University of Dublin 1980

MA Temple University 1970

BS St Joseph's University 1967