5th Grade Weekly Update

Mrs. Livesay

October 3-October 7

Reminders & Classroom News

October 10th-October 12th: Parent/Teacher Conferences (link to sign up)

October 11th:  Fund Run Prize Day (PLEASE SIGN WAIVER)

October 16-20: Fall Break (no school) 🍂

October 23rd: Picture retakes

October 26th: Talent Show (6:00-7:30 p.m.)

October 31st: Halloween Parade and Classroom Party (parade starts at 8:50 a.m.)🎃

Fall Conferences

Fall Conference sign up was sent out in September.  Here is the link if you still need to sign up.  Conferences will be held Tuesday, October 10-Thursday, October 12.  Please let me know if you have a conflict with these dates and we will schedule something that will accommodate your time.

Waiver for ninja nation--Please read!

Heritage met the $25,000 goal and Ninja Nation will be visiting for a school-wide Ninja Nation Fun Day! On Wednesday, October 11th, all classes will be participating in our Ninja Nation course during their specials time!  


Please be sure to sign this waiver in order for your child to participate! Anyone without the signed waiver will not be able to participate. 

WHat we are Learning

We had a fun week talking about the positive and negative effects of technology.  We've explored answers to questions, such as, "Are video games good or bad?" It's definitely brought up some great discussions! We also had a fun day Thursday getting together with other 5th graders who were sorted into the same Hogwarts house and discussing the virtues that make up each house. 

The 5th graders continue to work on answering the question: Should Florida's government use funds to protect natural resources or develop land?  Our focus is to be able to integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order to write about the subject knowledgeably while make a clear claim. The students have a great start on this project and I am looking forward to seeing where they will go with it.

Topic 4 continues this next week with the focus is using models and strategies to multiply decimals.  For a quick review, check out Khan Academy's videos on how to multiply multi-digit numbers with decimals.

This week in science was super fun! We had a great time designing our mold terrariums and have been checking on the progress every day.  We also had fun experimenting with live worms to find out if they prefer light or dark, wet or dry places.  This week, we will be looking at ways to protect our environment and asking the question, "Why did the dinosaurs go extinct?"