We are a nurturing learning environment preparing future leaders for a globally connected, interdependent world.

We want to make a difference in the lives of our students.

We want them to learn how to make a difference in their own lives,

 and to make a difference in the lives of others.

Engaging students in real-world experiences

Encouraging students to be creative and innovative

Empowering students to take ownership of their learning

Embracing new frameworks for teaching and learning

Personalization and Student Autonomy

We want students to have a greater voice in what and how they learn as well as more choice in how to demonstrate mastery of concepts and skills. Whether they are setting goals for personalized real-world inquiry-to-action projects, or math and literacy skills, a one-to-one conversation between a student and the teacher is the forum for students to understand where they are, where they want to go, and what they need to do in order to reach their goals. We implement systems and practices that empower students with the tools and strategies to be successful in a self-directed, flexible learning environment. In all grade levels, students co-create personalized learning plans with their teacher, as they align their interests, strengths, and learning styles. 

Real-World Inquiry-to-Action

Real-world learning has been a key part of our model since we opened in 2007. It remains at the core of our vision, model, and magnet theme. Students engage in authentic learning experiences aligned with grade-level curriculum. This sparks the interest and curiosity that leads to real-world inquiry to action projects. Using a framework for inquiry that spans K-6, students ask questions, understand various pathways to obtain answers, consider different perspectives and generate ideas for multiple solutions to current problems. All students work to understand that what they learn can be turned into positive action, either personal or collective, to impact our natural world and our local and global communities.

Global Connections

To prepare future leaders for a globally connected, interdependent world, learning goes beyond the physical space of our school to a greater community. We create opportunities and encourage our students to engage in projects on a local and/or global scale. We intentionally teach the important skills needed to be able to connect to, create for, and/or collaborate with others outside our building. Encouraging students, to reach out to experts outside of our building helps them gain a better understanding of current-day experiences and issues. All students have access to a Chromebook and we take advantage of virtual spaces to expand the possibilities for learning.

Conceptual and Personalized Learning Across the Years

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Primary Grades

...growing understanding and developing skills

Kindergartners are full of questions—we want to keep this curiosity alive. “Exploration Inspires Learning” is the idea to help them develop an understanding of their world. They connect their passions and interests to their learning and begin using the LAUNCH process to create group inquiry-to-action projects.

We are taking small steps to change our BIG world! 

First Graders focus learning around the concept of Investigating Creates Understanding. Observations and investigations include plants, animals, people, and places. Students increase their skills and strategies for self-directed personalized learning and learn the process of LAUNCH as they complete a collective class or grade-level inquiry-to-action project.

We can make the world a better place!


Second Graders learn the concept of “Contributing Builds Community”. They explore the earth's processes and living systems and learn that their actions contribute to building the community’s values and practices. Students continue to develop skills for personalized learning and use the LAUNCH process to implement an idea that meets a local need. 

Together we can change the world! 

Third Graders focus on the concept Collaborators Create Change” and this leads to informed decision-making about the future. They learn how to collaborate for change in their community based on current issues and problems. They use the process of inquiry to understand the specific action steps to take as individuals or groups to impact positive change. Their inquiry leads to the implementation of positive change around local issues.

We are working together for positive change!

Intermediate Grades

...growing independence and leadership skills

Fourth Graders focus on the concept of Innovators Design Solutions” within the context of Colorado. They learn that innovators are great problem-solvers who design, test, and introduce solutions to improve communities, environments, and technologies. Using a process of inquiry to action they learn how to analyze current problems and design possible solutions.

We innovate to change our world!   

Fifth Graders focus on the concept Influence Increases Opportunity”. They learn that influence is the ability to effect change in the actions, beliefs, and choices of others and that increasing our sphere of influence will increase the number of people who hear our message. This results in positive change in our communities. They analyze current problems and design possible solutions using a process of inquiry-to-action.

We are increasing opportunities for change!

Sixth Graders focus on the concept, Leaders Motivate Others" and learn that leaders, past and present across multi-disciplines and other countries, motivate others to take action for a better future. They learn how to become productive members of our global community and contributing citizens by analyzing the current state and evaluating complex solutions in order to take practical action for improvement using a process of inquiry-to-action.

We are leading for a better future!

Art, Health/Fitness, Music classes spark life-long interests in students using the idea that, “Personalization Increases Engagement”.  Electives in grades 3rd-6th give students choice in a variety of three-week immersive classes. From flag football to lacrosse, ceramics to animation, options engage students in topics they find interesting.

We engage in creativity and fitness!

Interested in a tour? Link here for Lone Tree Elementary Upcoming Tours

Phone: 303-387-7450

Fax: 303-387-7451

Attendance Line: 303-387-7452 

Office open: 7:30 am - 3:30 pm

8:00 am - Drop-off begins/Students enter the building

8:15 am - Bell Rings/Students should be in class

8:20 am - Sign-in required for tardy students

3:10 pm - Dismissal

3:25 pm - Supervision Ends