More About Ms. Lee

Hello I am Kim Lee and I am very excited to be teaching your children this year. I love to teach Kindergarten and don't know of a better job. Kindies come to school excited about learning and exploring everything.

This will be my 24th year teaching Kindergarten. I have a Master's Degree in Early Childhood Education and Literacy. I also have an endorsement in Special Education. Even though I have been teaching Kindergarten for 19 years at Pine Grove,

I still look forward to August with anticipation and excitement. It is so rewarding to watch them learn and grow into the people they will become.

I am a native of Colorado. I was born in Denver and grew up in Colorado Springs, where my parents still live. I have a younger brother who lives in Portland Oregon. I love to spend my vacation time in Portland with my Portland family.

My oldest niece Maddy, will be a freshmen at Colorado College this year, I am very excited to have her close by. Elena, my youngest niece will be a sophomore in high school and looking forward to getting her drivers license as well as not having to share the bathroom with her older sister. When we are together we have a great time hiking, shopping and visiting the beach with Tippy.

When I am not teaching Kindies I like to read, ride my bike, hike our beautiful Colorado mountains and workout. I am looking forward to a wonderful year!