Course Information

Class Rules:

  • Be on time and be present
  • Be prepared
  • Be respectful of everyone in room
  • Work hard everyday
  • Food and drinks, other than water, are not allowed

Course Description: Biology is devoted to the study of living things and their processes. Throughout the year this course provides and opportunity for students to develop scientific process skills, laboratory techniques, and an understanding of the fundamental principles of living organisms. Topics of study include: the nature of science, chemistry of life, cells and cell division, photosynthesis and respiration, genetics, natural selection and ecology.

Assignments: Homework will typically be due at the beginning of the next class. Anything not turned in by the assigned time will be considered late. Late assignments will be marked down to 50%, of whatever grade you earned. After one week, no credit will be given. If you cheat/copy, or allow another student to cheat/copy, a zero will be given.

Labs: Labs are an important part of the learning experience. All students must sign a lab safety contract, and pass a lab safety test with a minimum of 80%. Failure to sign the contract, or pass the quiz, will prevent you from participating in labs. Being absent the day of the lab does not mean you are excused from it. Missed labs must be made up within one week, preferably during homeroom.

Assessments: Assessments (tests and quizzes) will be given every unit. Any content mentioned/discussed in class, labs, homework, and reading assignments, is fair game for a test. If you miss a test, it must be made up the day you return to school. Missing one day, does not mean you get an extra week to prepare. Failure to take the test at this time will result in a zero. Any quizzes missed during a unit must be made up before the unit test.

Grading: Your semester work counts towards 80% of your overall grade. The final exam makes up the other 20%. Semester works is broken down as follows: assessments: 40%, labs: 25%, assignments 35%.

Attendance: Attendance and tardies will be enforced according to the school’s policies. These can be found in your planner. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed, either from me or my website. If the absence is unexcused, you may do the work so you are prepared for the test, but no credit will be given.

Electronics: As a general rule, any type of electronic equipment should be put away when class starts - this includes headphones and air pods. If cell phone use is a problem, I reserve the right to confiscate your phone.

Required Materials:

​Biology book

Binder ~1 ½”, with dividers (we will cover 4-5 units a semester)

Crayons or colored pencils

Paper – lined and graph

Ruler and scissors

Writing utensils

#2 Pencils – for tests

Please visit my website and fill out the class policies acknowledgment form