Welcome to Flagstone's Gifted and Talented site. Here, you will find information about Gifted and Talented, announcements, and resources useful for parents and teachers. At the top of the site, you will see pages to help you navigate through the site when looking for general information and resources or information specific to Flagstone's Gifted and Talented Program. Feel free to contact FSE's GT Facilitator, Melissa Hurley if you have specific questions or resources to share. Contact information is at the bottom of this home page.
Welcome to the new school year!
Information on Referral CogAT Testing
Teachers or parents may make a referral to test in the fall for grades 1, 3, 4, or 5 who have demonstrated the need for advanced programming, differentiated instruction, or advanced learning needs. If students grasp concepts quickly, need additional depth, complexity, and/or creative expression a referral might be necessary. Referral testing is not for all students. Referral testing will take place at the neighborhood school only during the stated CogAT window; separate Saturday testing will NOT be provided, nor will another testing window be provided. Referral students must have a signed Consent to Test/Gifted Identification form and a Parent Observation Form (linked below). There will not be another CogAT testing window later in the year.
Please fill out the form below to initiate the Gifted Identification process for your child.
DCSD Gifted Ed Referral Form & Consent to Evaluate Spanish Gifted Identification Referral Form
This site is a work in progress, and while we hope to add many helpful resources, we know that parents and classroom teachers may have additional resources that could benefit all of us.
Please use this LINK to share other resources you've found to be helpful.
You have a right to
know about your giftedness.
learn something new everyday.
be passionate about your talent area without apologies.
have an identity beyond your talent area.
feel good about your accomplishments.
make mistakes.
seek guidance in the development of your talent.
have multiple peer groups and a variety of friends.
choose which of your talent areas you wish to pursue.
not to be gifted at everything.
Written by Del Siegle (NAGC President, 2007 - 2009)
If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Hurley, FSE's GT Facilitator at melissa.hurley@dcsdk12.org or 303-387-5225.