PTO Donations Information

Thank you for contributing to our school! There are a number of ways you can help, as listed below. Please contact with any questions. Key Dates 2021-2022.

Fundraiser Information

Stay tuned for more information about this years fundraiser!

Direct Donation

  • To make a direct, online donation to Eldorado, please follow this link to our online payment system: Donate to Eldorado

  • To donate using cash or check, please download this form and turn it in to the office, with your donation. Eldorado Donation Form

  • Please remember to send a Tax Receipt Request to for your tax records. Please include your name, postal address, and donation amount.

Link Your King Soopers Account

Here is a video on how to do it!

Click on this link to take you to King Soopers website. You will need to sign into your account - if you have not created an account previously you will need to do so, but it's pretty easy. You'll need your King Soopers card number or phone number that you type in at checkout. Once you have signed in an clicked on the link above click on "Enroll Now". You will be able to search for "Eldorado Elementary School PTO" or our number "NK039"

If you're ever curious you can see how much your purchases have contributed to our school on that page after you have enrolled as well! Just a fun new perk.

Don't forget to help grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, etc sign up to contribute! If you have any questions or need any assistance setting up your account please reach out to

Milk Caps for MOOOLA

MILK CAPS for MOOOLA is a program sponsored by Longmont Dairy that helps students earn money for their school and students. Longmont Dairy milk caps are worth 5¢ each and are redeemable for cash by participating schools only.

Participating is easy as 1-2-3!

  1. Drink Longmont Dairy Milk.

  2. Save the bottle caps. Save as many as you can from your own bottles, or collect them from your family and neighbors.

  3. Bring your milk caps to school and put them into the collection box in the office.

Dutch Mill Bulbs

Support our Panther Power team and their mission of making Eldorado's Garden the best in town. Buy your bulbs now in anticipation of next spring. Visit Dutch Mill Bulbs for information and ordering.

Restaurant Nights

Take a night off from cooking and support Eldorado! Once a month we partner with a local restaurant who donates proceeds back to our school. Check our school calendar or watch for updates from PTO on our next one!

Red Robin: Register your loyalty card with Eldorado so 1% of what you spend throughout the year comes back to the school.

Box Tops for Education

Eldorado has a number of fund raising initiatives that cost nothing and just involve you doing what we all do - grocery shopping! Box Tops for Education™ can be found on countless products including Annie's, Pillsbury, General Mills Cereal, Lysol Yoplait and so much more!

List of participating products.