Little Hawkeye Conference art show 2023

Welcome to LHC Art Show 2023

Hosted by Dallas Center-Grimes

Little Hawkeye Conference Schools:  Dallas Center-Grimes, Grinnell, Indianola, Newton, Norwalk, Oskaloosa, Pella, Pella Christian


 The students in attendance spent the morning creating original pieces of artwork.

 The task was presented as the "MAKE IT" Challenge.  

Working in teams of 2 or 3 students, participants were given the task to create a piece of art following the overarching theme of "Sense of Place" along with a mystery prompt given to each student group.

Each school/student was able to bring their own materials as well as using a shared donation closet. 

After working 2.5 hours, student displayed their finished pieces. 

Students and teachers then were able to cast ballots for their top choice in the following categories: 

Use of Theme & Prompt                   Creativity of Presentation                        Craftsmanship

The winning entries are pictured below.   

Congratulations to these artists and all of the participants. 

Best Craftsmanship

Creativity with Media