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Welcome to St Paul's Catholic College

Respect. Responsibility. Reverence. Results


College Prayer

Student Wellbeing student support

Throughout the year 'St Paul's Community' is involved in many acts of Compassion and supports social justice . Below are some of the programs

"Lent is not a forty day fast, or even a precursor to the paschal mystery of Easter. It is a time to reassess and realign; to become more fully the person that, from all time, our God has called us to be. "

Mr Michael Reid

College Principal

B.Ed (Humanities). M. Rel.Ed. M. Ed.Lead.

Caritas Australia are the international aid and development organisation of the Catholic Church in Australia. Caritas:

Deliver long-term development programs

  • Help people regardless of ethnicity, religion or political beliefs

  • Work with the poorest of the poor

  • Help people help themselves

Shrove Tuesday is the day before Lent starts on Ash Wednesday. The name Shrove comes from the old middle English word 'Shriven' meaning to go to confession to say sorry for the wrong things you've done. Lent always starts on a Wednesday, so people went to confessions on the day before. This became known as Shriven Tuesday and then Shrove Tuesday.

8 Technology HBL.mp4

Year 8 Food Tech Home Based Learning - Yoghurt and Ice Cream