Amir H. Fallah

(American, b. 1979)

Ancestors 1, 2015
C-print, acrylic, and dried oil paint skins
20 x 16 inches
Courtesy of the Artist and Shulamit Nazarian, Los Angeles

Ancestors 2, 2015
C-print, acrylic, and dried oil paint skins
20 x 16 inches
Courtesy of the Artist and Shulamit Nazarian, Los Angeles

In 2014, Amir H. Fallah scoured listings for estate sales near his home in Los Angeles before picking one to attend, solely based on the intriguing description: “From the Primitive to the Present.” There, he acquired diaries, home movies, photographs, clothing, and other objects from a family who had lived in the area for a generation. Fallah then used the rescued objects to uncover details about the family, including their names and occupations, to create a new narrative realized through painting, collage, and sculpture.

Fallah first created five abstracted portraits of contemporaneous family members. These faceless renderings were inspired by the objects and fabric patterns that once belonged to the anonymous individuals. He then created a series of collaged portraits, including Ancestors 1 and Ancestors 2, by working atop turn-of-the-century photographs of the family’s ancestors. While the two series are quite different stylistically, the works all speak to Fallah’s interest in universality. By stripping away – or in the case of Ancestors, covering up – all recognizable attributes, Fallah transforms the individuals from specific to general; the portraits are no one and everyone, but more importantly, they highlight the fallibility of defining others based on superficial traits of race, gender, age, and ethnicity. After completing the first series of paintings, Fallah collected dried glaze and oil paint residue from his palette to create collages like those on view in True Likeness. Thus, all of the works about this family now hold the same DNA, creating a dialogue between old and new, between one generation and the next.


Photo by Shayan Asgharnia

Fallah lives and works in Los Angeles, CA. He received his BFA from the Maryland Institute College of Art and his MFA from UCLA. He has exhibited his work internationally, including at the Weatherspoon Art Museum, University of North Carolina at Greensboro; The Sharjah Biennial 2009; Third Line Gallery in Dubai, UAE; Gallery Wendi Norris and Baer Ridgway Exhibitions, both in San Francisco; Cherry and Martin, Mary Goldman, and LA Louver galleries in Los Angeles; and 31 Grand and Frederieke Taylor Gallery in New York; among others. He has been a visiting lecturer at such institutions as University of Southern California, UCLA, Cleveland Institute of Art, University of New Mexico, Otis College of Art and Design, and Maryland Institute College of Art. Additionally, Fallah was the founder and editor for more than a decade of Beautiful Decay magazine.


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