Frequently Asked Questions - Online Administrations

Who can unlock test tickets for online administration?

The DAC or their designee (such as the SAC) may unlock test tickets.  The DAC has the permissions to unlock test tickets.  The DAC can grant these permissions to the SAC.  If for some reason the DAC or their designee cannot unlock the test ticket, DRC Pennsylvania Customer Service should be contacted for assistance. The DRC help line number is 1-800-451-7849 and the email is

Why is the audio (or video) not working on the student’s online assessment?

The most common cause of a an online accommodation not working is because the accommodation was not added to the student’s record before the test tickets were printed. (Online accommodations will only be available during testing if the name of the accommodation is printed on the student’s test ticket.) If a student needs an accommodation added after the test has been started, the school assessment coordinator will need to contact DRC for resolution.

Can our district/school use one-to-one student devices for online testing?

Yes. Per PDE policy, the one-to-one devices must be configured to the school’s Central Office Services – Service Device to prohibit any unauthorized access outside of the testing location. 

Do schools that are administering the online assessment need to order paper materials for parental reviews?

No. Sites testing 100% online and not receiving paper materials can request an online test ticket for parental reviews. These test tickets will allow parents/guardians to view the same online test that will be administered across the LEA. LEAs must follow the same security procedures for an online parental review that are required when a parent/ guardian is reviewing a paper test.  

See page one of the Handbook for Assessment Coordinators for more information on parental reviews.

What if a student record in the DRC INSIGHT Portal has incorrect information?

A new record with corrected information for the student should be manually uploaded to the portal under Manage Students. The new student record will not replace the original student record. Because the two records for the student may be similar, use caution to ensure the correct student record is added to the test session(s).

How do I check the status of the online assessments?

The testing status of students within an individual test session can be viewed through Manage Test Sessions in the DRC INSIGHT Portal. The Export Details functionality will provide a full report of each student and section for an individual test session. For individual status, use the Edit/Print Ticket Status to filter for an individual student. 

To check the status of multiple test sessions and drill down to individual grades and/or subjects, use the Student Status Dashboard found under Student Management in the DRC INSIGHT Portal. 

What tools are available to help my students practice with online testing?

Online Tutorials and Online Tools Training (OTT) are available to familiarize students with the online testing engine. All students should view the Online Tutorials, which are videos that describe the different features of the DRC INSIGHT Assessment Software. The OTTs provide students with hands-on experience with logging into a test, selecting and composing responses, and using accommodations.

Can my district/school administer both the online and paper/pencil assessments?

Yes. Your district has the flexibility to administer the online assessment to specific schools, grades, subjects, classrooms, and/or students. PDE does not require than an entire district or school administer the same testing mode for all students.

Can a student use the internal keyboard on an iPAD?

It is not recommended because an internal keyboard can alter the intended appearance of a test question or passage on the iPAD.