First Flight News!

This issue features:

FFMS Cash Calendar

Spelling Bee

Winter Sports Wrap-up

Student Interviews

Science Fair

Scent Co

Student Art Feature

Comic Strip

Also including a talent show reminder and some new spirit wear!

If you want to see previous newspapers go to the top right corner of the page and click previous newspapers!

FFMS Cash Calendar

FFMS PTO is doing a fundraiser in February called the cash calendar.


Each student received four tickets to sell. They can be sold during the whole month of Febuary. There are only 3000 tickets. Each school day in February there will be a monetary drawing prize from 50 to 200 dollars! If you sell a winning ticket your name will be put into a drawing to also receive a cash prize.


The money that the PTO makes goes towards things for the school, teachers, and students. It helps pay for things like art supplies, technology, and new gym equipment. So, help your school and sell those tickets!

Spelling Bee

Twenty-seven students participated in the School Spelling Bee on the 8th of February. Ms. Wingenroth once again served in her traditional role of official "pronouncer", and Ms. Vaughan was the judge. 7th grader Thomas McGraw came in 2nd place, putting himself in a good spot to win next year. This year however, belonged to 8th grader Daisy Morales-Bravo. First Flight News recently caught up with her to talk about her impressive win.

What did you do to prepare for the spelling bee?

I studied words by having someone say them out loud and then I'd spell it. I also used quizlet.

What’s your favorite part about spelling?

I like that words are used every time that we say something and the fun sounds they make and how they have a history.

What's next for you?

I get to compete against all the other schools in the county. Then I would go to regionals.

Winter Sports Wrap-up

Our Winter Sports Teams are wrapping up and here is what the season was like for them.


Our FFMS Boys Basketball team had a good season. “We are in second place, and we were excited for playoffs.” They had a record of eight and three heading into the playoffs. Our basketball team has a solid defense. When replying to a question about which strategies work, Eli Hawk said, “We usually play 2-3 when we are in zone defense.” The Boys Basketball Team ended up losing the conference championship but placed second overall.

Our FFMS Girls Basketball team also did well. “There was a lot of teamwork, and there was a lot of improvement from last year.” They have a record of six and 7. Our girls basketball team also had a few strategies that work. “For man to man we usually do press break or on offense we do baseball, for zone we do 2-3.”


An open letter to cheerleaders:

My opponent and I locked eyes, neither of us wanting to blink first. Step by step we circled the center of the mat. I knew it was my time to strike and I lowered my shoulder while I charged forward. We collided like two mountain goats with a loud crack that echoed through the gymnasium, but I had caught him off balance. He had hesitated a fraction of a second and it cost him. I grabbed his leg and pulled upwards with all my might. He lost his footing and I drove him down hard onto his back. He let out a weak gasp as my shoulder drove the air out of him. He attempted an escape but his struggle was in vain as I pushed down and rolled him up onto his neck. I saw a flash of black and white from the corner of my eye. It was the referee counting him out. I had won. My fastest pin time of seven seconds, one of the best times in FFMS history.

Wrestling is full of excitement. There are tough matches when we need that extra surge of support. Wrestling deserves cheerleaders. It’s much more exciting than basketball, especially when people get slammed. When a wrestler goes out onto the mat they enter a zone and when they get in a tight spot they need someone cheering them on, to help motivate them. FFMS Wrestling has a proud history of winning, especially in the last three seasons. Cheerleading doesn't have to be just for basketball and football. We need you too. Hopefully we'll see you on the mat!

Student Interviews

What would you write on a little candy heart for this Valentines Day?

Ford Stewart

"When are you available?"

Olivia Liliston

"Be yourself"

Gavin Gilber


Phoenix Wootten

"Grow a tree"

Foster Guns


Kyle Logan

"Nothing is impossible"

Science Fair

Congrats to all Science Fair participants who placed and are moving on to the regional competition!

The regional science fair is going to take place on February 16th at East Carolina University. If any of our students qualify there, then they will go to NC State University on March 29th in Raleigh.

The seventh grade students were given a chance in December to participate in the Coastal Studies Institute science fair for extra credit. Multiple people went to that and won. Mr. Welch told students that if they won at CSI they would automatically advance to regionals. Mr. Welch said that we have about 10 groups going. Good luck to everyone!

Here are the projects that won first place at our school science fair: Tornado in a Box, Comparing Egg Grades, Optimal Boat Propeller Shapes, Frisbee Physics, and Light Fight.

Scent Co

Support National Junior Honor Society with a scented school store to make sure that you have everything you need.

Do you have a pencil? Do you have a pen? Are you ready for class? If you're not, then get your scented school supplies from the NJHS Scented School Store. All pencils are made of 100% recycled newspapers. The mechanic pencils and pens have scented grips.

All these products have very nice features. The gel crayons are like crayons OR highlighters depending on which one you choose. The scented colored pencils work extremely well and the smell really good. The backpack buddies are perfect for your locker, book bag, chromebook, or anywhere you what them.

If you don't have what you need, we do! Stop by the end of the main hall on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays to purchase some scented stuff. You can also get some during your lunch period. All pens are two dollars, all pencils are one dollar, all gel crayons are one dollar, all packs of five are five dollars, and all backpack buddies are five dollars. Be sure to stop by the NJHS Scented School Store and get what you need!

Student Art Feature

Kirra Dawson

Eighth Grade

Alexa Horak Cabrera

Eighth Grade

Alexa Hallac

Sixth Grade

Chloe Wienert, Arden Harrison, Haley Winfree, and Raven Oakey

Eight Grade

Comic Strip:

We are going to be featuring a comic strip made by students each week. If you have suggestions or have a comic you want to submit please email This weeks comic was made by Jacob Gray and JoJo Morgan.

Make sure to turn in your talent show forms by February 15th!

Spirit Wear

First Flight Middle School is getting some new spirit wear! We have three new designs that are really cool! Make sure you get your order in by 8:00am on 2/26/2019. Go to web link and click First Flight Boosters to access the online order form.

If you are a club, sport, or class that want to highlight an amazing story in the next issue of Seahawk News send a press release to