Principal's Message

<font size="6"> Great Plain Elementary School is a neighborhood school located in the northeastern part of Danbury. We have a diverse population of 325 students, serving kindergarten through fifth grade, which includes three Spanish bilingual classes and two special education classes. We have 18 classroom teachers and an extensive support staff to help meet the needs of our students. Our active parent-teacher organization works with the school staff to provide instruction and enhance student learning through a variety of experiences.

The major strength of our neighborhood elementary school is the commitment and dedication of the staff, parents and community! Parents are encouraged to actively participate in the life of the school and many are able to volunteer time to support programs and projects. The Parent Teacher Organization provides a broad range of supportive and enriching educational experiences for the children who attend our school. There is an ongoing emphasis on exposure to cultural programs and expanded opportunities for children.

There is an ongoing effort to enhance the school environment and to make learning a positive and pleasurable experience. It is recognized that this is best accomplished when a positive home/school relationship exists. To that end, we encourage open communication between parents and teachers on behalf of the students.

Once again, thank you for visiting the Great Plain School Website. Please feel free to email me with your comments or questions.


Keshia A. Smith, Principal</f>

Great Plain Elementary School

Our Vision and Mission Statements

Our Vision

Great Plain Elementary School recognizes and respects student diversity while providing safe, nurturing environment conducive to learning. We have high expectations for all students while preparing them to be life long learners.

Our Mission

Great Plain Elementary School

Provides and promotes

Educational excellence for all
