Meet the Team!!

Dear Families,

Welcome back to Thomas L. Marsalis STEAM Academy and 2nd

grade!! We would like to take this opportunity to introduce the Second

Grade team. Mrs. Crawford- 2A, Mrs. Blaylock- 2B, or Mrs. Freeman- 2C, will be your

child’s homeroom teacher. We are looking forward to being your

child’s teacher for this very exciting year of learning! As we begin this

brand new year, we would like to share some important information

with you including our classroom and behavior expectations so that

your child has a successful school year.

There are many ways you can help your child to be successful in

school. Give lots of praise for work well done. Be sure to comment and

ask about all papers and projects that come home, and most

importantly, read with your child! In doing this, you become an active

participant in your child’s education.

Here’s to a GREAT year!!

The Second Grade Team

2A Mrs. Crawford


Phone: (972) 749-3531

2B Mrs. Blaylock


Phone: 972-749-3537

2C Mrs. Freeman


Phone: 972-749-3536

Teacher Office Hours: 12:30 p.m -1:15 p.m

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