Mrs. Beverly Turner, Kindergarten

Mrs. Jimmie Pickering, Kindergarten

Mrs. Tracia Holt, Kindergarten


Dear Parents:

Your child has chosen to participate in our Elementary Cheer Program at E. M. Pease Elementary.  We will have Cheer Practice on Thursdays from 3:30pm to 5:30pm.   Additional practice days will be added when preparing for performances and competitions.  These additional practices will be communicated with you prior to events.  In the event we need to cancel Cheer practice we will notify you of this change.  Your child must be present at practice and have passing grades to participate in competitions and performances.  Please be on time to pick your child up from school promptly at 5:30pm at the end of practice.  Please sign below to give your consent for your child to participate in E. M. Pease Cheer Program and scheduled practices for the 2022-23 school year.  Uniforms will be provided by DISD which will remain at school before and after each competition and performance.  We ask that you purchase your child a basic plain white tennis shoe for competitions and performances.  If you have any questions please contact one of the cheer coaches below. 

Practice Attire: Comfortable Shorts and loose-fitting T-Shirt and tennis shoes.

CONGRATS to our E.M.P. Cheer Team for receiving the highest ranking of 'Superior' at the Dallas ISD Cheer Showcase on 12/3/2022.