The Power of Vocabulary

Scroll down to access vocabulary sessions available in Cornerstone as well as resources and upcoming Vocabulary events.

"When readers encounter texts that contain too many unfamiliar words, their comprehension suffers. Reading becomes slow, laborious, and frustrating, impeding their learning. That's why vocabulary knowledge is a key element in reading comprehension. To comprehend fully and learn well, all students need regular vocabulary exploration" (Rasinski 2012). 

Asynchronous Session 

Available on Cornerstone

Did you know that providing multiple opportunities for vocabulary exposure is crucial to students’ reading success? This session provides instructional strategies to expand daily vocabulary opportunities through indirect instruction to optimize student vocabulary growth. 

Asynchronous Session 

Available on Cornerstone

When students know the meanings of Latin and Greek word parts, it can unlock the meanings of thousands of new words. This course will provide meaningful strategies to teach word part analysis to assist students in unlocking the meaning of new vocabulary words and allow teachers to get the most value out of teaching targeted prefixes, suffixes, and roots.

Increasing Student Exposure to Vocabulary

Vocabulary Growth with Morphology

Interested in personalized support? Book us today for one-on-one virtual office hours, personalized webinars, or face-to-face support during grade level meetings, PLCs, or after school.

Follow us on Twitter: @PDL_DallasISD

Check out the 

"Morphology Monday Tweets" as well as other helpful vocabulary strategies tweeted throughout this school year!


Follow us on Twitter for weekly vocabulary strategies!                          


Dawayla Patterson 

Professional & Digital Learning


Susan Meyer

Professional & Digital Learning