Reading: Units of Study by Lucy Calkins

*Students are expected to read at least 20 minutes every day/night outside of school, as well as have a read to self book that travels with them to and from school. 

Word Study: Vocabulary from Classical Roots (VCR)

Math: Eureka Math Squared

Get to know our newly adopted math curriculum! "Eureka Math²™ is a revolutionary math program designed to ensure that students move beyond rote memorization to build enduring math knowledge. It takes everything you love about Eureka Math—consistent math models, rigor to support the productive struggle, and coherence across lessons, modules, and grades—and adds a new level of flexibility and accessibility as well as visibility into student understanding to make math instruction exponentially more teachable and engaging." 

Rough Pacing

Trimester 1: Place Value Concepts for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division

Trimester 2: Multiplication & Division of Multi-Digit Numbers, and Foundations for Fraction Operations

Trimester 3: Place Value Concepts for Decimal Fractions, Angle Measurements, and Plane Figures

XtraMath: We will be using the online program XtraMath to build fact automaticity. Students are expected to know their basic multiplication and division facts. Students will be completing sessions while at school throughout the week, but are always encouraged to practice for 5 minutes at home if and when they can!

Language Arts: Units of Study by Lucy Calkins

Cursive/Typing: We will be practicing cursive writing and it will be incorporated into a small portion of our yearly activities. Typing skills will also be practiced throughout the year.

Science: TCI Bring Science Alive!

Unit 2: Energy (Trimester 1)

Unit 3: Earth's Changing Surface (Trimester 2)

Unit 4: Waves and Information & Unit 1: Plant and Animal Structures (Trimester 3)

Social Studies: TCI Social Studies Alive! (New this year!)

Units we'll be covering: 

Please click on the link above to view the topics that will be covered in fourth grade.

Social/Emotional: 2nd Step

2nd Step is our district's Social/Emotional curriculum that will be taught in all classrooms once a week, for a 30 minute block. This is a research-based program that provides engaging videos and games to make it easier for children to learn skills such as empathy, managing anxiety, disappointment, and problem solving. 
