Learning Targets

September Learning Targets


- I can write numbers 0-10.

- I can count to tell how many.

- I can tell or show what one more is given a number between 0-10.

- I can compare a group of objects by describing them as equal, greater than, or less than.

- I can represent the number of objects by the written numeral using numbers 0-10.


- I can write uppercase and lowercase letters.

- I can read and write the sight words: a, the, and.

- I can identify beginning sounds of words.

- I can look, think, read, and learn.

- I can read a book three ways: looking at the pictures, retelling, and reading the words.

- I can read by myself,

- I can read with a partner.


- I can write the sounds I hear in a word.

- I can match my picture to my words.


- I can tell what plants need to grow.

- I can tell what animals need.

- I can tell what people need.

- I can tell where animals and plants are found.

Second Step

- I can follow rules for listening.

- I can keep my body still, eyes watching, ears listening, and voice quiet.

- I can use skills for learning to focus my attention, use self-talk, and listen.