FMS Friday Facts 

January 31, 2025

Principal's Corner

Fruita Fam! Can't believe we've already made it to the last Friday in January for another school year. It's been a busy week, but we are excited to turn the calendar to February. We are a month into our 8th Grade Gratitude journals, and reports are that it's going well. We want to congratulate the 8th Grade Girls A and B teams on winning the District Basketball Championship this week. 8th Grade A Team will play a Final game against Centennial Middle School on Tuesday, February 4 at 4pm. Come cheer our Lady Wildcats on one last time! Wrestling practice will start on Monday after school. 

We want to recognize teachers Abby Morgan and Sam Dimas for completing their Master's Degrees. Next week is National Counselor Appreciation Week. Please reach out to your student's Counselor and let them know how much you appreciate them. Candy-gram sales for the Valentine's Day Dance will start on Monday. Colorado MS All-State Choir will take place on February 6 & 7. 

Also, the FMS School-wide SEL goal for this year is based on Student Engagement. We've spent a lot of time working with our students on being aware of these behaviors and the difference between Engagement and Compliance behaviors. We received some district data this week from our Fall Panorama Student Perception survey. I'm proud to report that Fruita Middle School had the highest percentage of Favorable responses from students in the category of Student Engagement of all Middle and High Schools in District 51! 

Have a great weekend!

Quarter 2 Report Cards have been posted in ParentVUE and StudentVUE. We only send home reports cards (if you have requested a paper report card) at the end of the school year. 

Friday attire in February will be RED for Love Month! ♥️♥️

**Please return chromebooks and chargers that students have taken home.  We need them back to start the year  Thank you!

Candy Gram Sales and Valentine's Day Dance

FMS WEB Crew will be selling candy grams next week for 2$. The following schedule is for students to know where and when they can buy candy grams.


Monday 2/3:  Core 6-1 students will be able to buy Candy Grams in the lunchroom in the during Advisory.

Tuesday 2/4:  Core 6-2 students will be able to buy Candy Grams in the lunchroom during Advisory.

Wednesday 2/5: Core 8-1 students will be able to buy Candy Grams in the lunchroom during Advisory.

Thursday 2/6: 7th Graders will buy Candy Grams in their Advisory classes.

Friday 2/7: Core 8-2 students will be able to buy Candy Grams in the lunchroom during Advisory.

Monday 2/10: Make up day for anyone who missed-in the lunchroom during Advisory

*Candy Grams will not be sold in the office

Valentine's Dance: February 2/14 

Wristbands will be sold at lunch on the day of the dance ONLY!

*Dance wristbands- $3.

*Outside/basketball wristbands- $2. 

*A combo of both locations- $5.

Spring Picture Day!

Our Spring Picture Day will be Wednesday, February 5 from 8-10am and 1-3pm

We need any students who:

We have a list of students who fit these categories and we will be calling them down to have their photos taken. ALL students MUST have an up to date photo for their file. 

If you want to order photos, you may do so on the MJ Thomas Form or come to the Main Office for a flyer

Future 9th grade scheduling timeline for 


Week of January 27th - Counselors and administration from FMHS presented information on academic programs, sports, clubs and everything that makes FMHS special to 8th grade students.

April 3rd: Future Wildcat Night

Parents and students are invited to an exciting evening at FMHS.  There will be the opportunity to explore booths from academic departments, clubs, and athletic programs as well as meet teachers, coaches, and counselors.  This is a great opportunity to discover programs like Advanced Placement (AP), career and technical education (CTE) classes, and CMU concurrent enrollment opportunities.

Week of April 14th: Course Selection for 9th Grade

FMHS Counselors will deliver 9th grade class choice sheets to 8th grade students at FMS.  Students will fill out a class choice sheet and then review their selections together with FMHS Counselors to ensure classes match students' interests, goals, and future plans.

FMHS Scheduling Flyer

If you have any questions or need more information, please contact the FMHS Counseling Office at 970-254-6600.

Wrestling Starts Soon!

The 2024-2025 Wrestling Season will begin on February 3! 7th & 8th Grade students are welcome to participate. The Informational Meeting for students will be Friday, January 24 during Advisory Time. Students will bring home paperwork for parents to review and sign. We have extra copies of paperwork in the office if your student missed the meeting!

Coach: Jesse Hoisington

Athletic Director: Becky Streeval

Wrestling Schedule

Dental Clinic at FMS

On Wednesday, February 19th, Marillac Dental Hygienists will be coming to Fruita Middle School to complete dental screens and optional fluoride treatments. Each student will receive a complimentary dental bag with a toothbrush, toothpaste, and dental floss. If you would like for your student to participate, please fill out the consent that will be emailed and sent home in your child’s backpack.

This opportunity is free of charge and only takes roughly 3 minutes of your student’s time. Dental caries (cavities) remains the most prevalent chronic disease. Our hope is to help combat this, which in turn promotes overall health and decreases absenteeism. Up to four fluoride treatments per year are currently recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Thank you and please reach out with any questions or concerns,


Tara Tannous, HA (970) 254-6570 Ext. 35109

Shelly Ehlers, RN (970) 254-6570 Ext. 35144

Consent Form: English

Consent Form: Espanol

PTO News

Hi FMS Family and Friends!

Help Us Make Our 3rd annual FMS PTO Music Trivia Night a Success!

Happy New Year! We’re excited to announce our 3rd Annual Music Trivia Night, and we’re looking forward to partnering with our local community to make this event a success. The event will be hosted at Adobe Creek Golf Course in Fruita on Thursday, February 27 at 6:00 PM. Trivia Night Flyer

If you would like to be a sponsor at the event, please see our Sponsorship Flyer

The next PTO meeting will be Wednesday, February 12 at 4:30pm in the FMS Library. All are welcome!

Tutoring Information

Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:20-3:50- Mrs. Burke (Room 176) - Math and Science

Wednesdays from 3:20-4:00- Mrs. Gilliam (Room 103) - ELA and Social Studies

OWL Information



My name is Mr. Williams and I am a 6th Grade Social Studies teacher and I am also the OWL coordinator for our school. OWL is a 6th grade district program, where students will be taken to OWL camp right outside of Gateway, Colorado for three days and two nights. While at OWL camp, students will be hiking, learning team building skills, escaping technology for three days, learning about outdoor science and survival skills with their friends.

Students have the opportunity to go camping for one of the following dates if they want to.  

I have attached the registration link in the doc below. The cost is $155, but if money is an issue, feel free to email me back for potential scholarship opportunities.


If you have any questions, please feel free to email me back at

Girls on the RUN

Girls on the Run Information

Coaches Information

If you are interested in participating or coaching, please email Rosanna Romero, FMS Counselor at She will be setting up the team!

Athletic Sponsorship Needed!

We would love to provide businesses the opportunity for advertisement within the walls of FMS. The flyer below shows how businesses can support our FMS athletic teams. With their financial contribution, a business banner will be hung on the wall of the gym at FMS. 

If you have questions, please email Becky Streeval, FMS Athletic Director

 Basketball & Quidditch Update

Basketball is over for the year and ALL our teams had a great season!

7th Grade A & B Teams lost to Redlands in the Finals after hard fought games.

8th Grade C Team lost in the semi-finals and the A & B Teams won the Championship!

8th Grade A Team will play a Final game against Centennial Middle School on Tuesday, February 4 at 4pm. Come cheer our Lady Wildcats on one last time!

We are so proud of all our basketball players for their amazing seasons!

Quidditch Club is the best time of the week and everyone is welcome! Meet Coach Bonner and friends on Fridays after school as we head out back to play until 4:20 each week. Follow @fruitamidquid on social media for quidditch and FMS updates.

8th Grade Girls A and B teams took the championship.  Congrats to our 24-25 District Champions!

FMS Clubs

Yearbook needs more photos of your student in outside activities!

Yearbook needs photos of your student as a toddler!

Buy your Yearbook TODAY!

Time to order the FMS Yearbook!

60 Full Color Pages IN A SINGLE BOOK

Don't let the memories of this year slip away. All the best moments are saved on the pages of the Fruita Middle School yearbook! But you need to move quickly; the deadline to order is February 23, 2025!!

Parents! We are still taking submissions for "Outside Activities" and "Baby Faces".(See last week's "Friday Facts" for more details!) Please email your pictures to We will accept submissions until the page is full or the final deadline of February 17th. 




Spread out the cost of your order with an interest-free Jostens Payment Plan.*


*Minimum purchase requirements and eligibility restrictions apply.


19 Road Construction Project

We want to share an important update with D51 about the 19 Road Project. Since the project began, the intersection at J Road has been open during construction. However, next Thursday - Friday (February 6-7), J Road, just east of 19 Road, will be closed. Eastbound traffic on J Road can use J.2 Road to 19 ½ Road or Ottley Avenue to 20 Road. Please see the map below for more information. We ask that commuters use caution when traveling near the construction zone. Please find more updates at

Thank you for sharing updates with D51 families as we work through this project. We appreciate your partnership!

Please see the detour map for additional details, or visit the City of Fruita’s project page for updates. Impacted school administration will closely monitor traffic flow and congestion to help ensure that students and staff can travel to and from school safely. We will continue to assess the situation as construction progresses and keep you updated on any changes or issues that may arise.

Keep up to Date with FMS Activities!

FMS uses a Google Calendar to share information with Families. We encourage you to check this each week in the Friday Facts newsletter for all our up to date information. 

Kids Aid Food Bags

Food Bag Order Form 

Kids Aid is a local nonprofit organization. The backpack program is a food assistance program which provides bags of food to children in need of food for the weekend.

There is NO cost, and there are NO qualifications to participate in this program. If you feel your child/children would benefit, please complete order form above. The Backpack Program does not collect this information; it is used only for the schools to know who needs to receive the food.

Please visit our website at for more information and/or to leave us feedback about our Backpack Program. Your feedback helps us to better meet your kids’ needs. 

Program enrollment is on-going throughout the school year. If you have questions, please contact Rosanna Romero