Go Deeper with Tech Tools

Student E-learning Badging Completion

In this section you will be creating using digital tools. Use this Google Slide to gather your badges that you earn.

Feel free to share with your teacher how you accomplished these activities.

Ever wonder how to create amazing videos with your computer screen and a video. Learn here how to use that tool to create those videos. Earn your badge by completing your own Screencastify and turning it in.

Google Expert-Student

Click here to explore different topics related to Google! Earn your Google Expert Badge by completing the form and showing off one of your Google tools.

Podcasting with Students

Click here to explore how to make your own Podcast! Learn how to research a topic and then post your podcast for others to listen to! Earn your badge by completing the form and submitting your podcast.

Google Forms Badge

Click here to explore how to make your own Google Form! Earn your Google Form Badge by completing the form and showing off one of your own Google Form.