Acts of Kindess

Community Transformation Through Community Service

Commissioner Richardson's Office

Community Transformation Through Community Service

Mission: To engage in volunteer opportunities with the community and translate experiences into policy.

"Helping doesn't stop at volunteering. It is your window into what must happen if we are to grow together."

The Process

1- PAssion

In finding an area of need, we engage in community service.

2- Insight

In the experience of community service, we build empathy by building relationships with those we serve

3- Policy

In building empathy, we discuss the systemic contributions and build solutions to address our challenges.

This Week's Event 4.24

Join us in our second Act of Kindness Event. We will be addressing the Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention and General Safety Concerns that exists around the community.

We will be learning self defense methods as taught by A.C.T. Women's Self Defense.

Acts of Kindness- Recycling.mp4

Act One: Event 3.2o

Join us in our first Act of Kindness Event. We will be addressing the environment and waste issue that exists around the community.

March 20th will include a site visit to our recycling center with Kimberly White from the Cobb County Keep Cobb Beautiful Department. We will be recycling glass materials, and discussing the role of recycling in our environment and our community. Afterwards, we will discuss long term policies and initiatives that can address the core issues.

Watch the video to learn more and register below.

Areas of Interest


Basic Needs






Financial Literacy