Literacy Resources
Collaborative for Curriculum (formerly Classrooms1st) is an innovative joint initiative between Golf Elementary School District 67, Skokie/Morton Grove Elementary School District 69, Niles Township District for Special Education (NTDSE), and Niles Township High School District 219, ensuring that all students from kindergarten through 12th grade benefit from a guaranteed and viable common curriculum and assessment program that properly prepares them for high school, college, careers and beyond.
Writer's Workshop Overview
Writer’s Workshop is a framework for writing instruction that aligns with Common Core State Standards. The Workshop model includes a predictable pattern of:
Mini-lesson: teacher models a specific writing strategy or technique. These short lessons are teacher-led, and typically utilize a “mentor text”, or piece of exemplary writing.
Independent writing: students are given time to write independently, to practice this strategy or technique to enhance their own writing.
Conferencing: the teacher engages in writing conferences with individuals or small groups. This allows the teacher to differentiate for students, either reteaching skills or introducing something new that a student may be ready for.
Sharing: students are given the opportunity to share their writing in a variety of ways. This time reinforces the idea that we write for an audience and our writing needs to clearly communicate our ideas.