Welcome to our Town Project Site

Mrs. Teuber’s 2021-2022 Mundelein High School Creative Writing students have been very busy creating these towns. Students work together to brainstorm towns and select one town to build and create together. They create a town map, buildings, and characters that inhabit and/or work in those buildings. Each character has a separate story but read together, they build the mystery and conflicts of the town. This project strengthens student’s narrative writing skills, problem-solving skills, and provides them an opportunity to work together to design a product for a greater audience.

Learn about the secrets of the class towns and how the lives of townspeople intertwine by visiting the town websites below.

Mrs. Teuber would like to thank her students for their inspiration, collaboration, willingness to take risks, and for their overall dedication to building their town stories. Mrs. Teuber would also like to thank Stacey Klemstein (Instructional Aide) and Hope Babowice (Instructional Aide) for all their assistance in helping these students through the entire process of this project. This is definitely a work of heart and teamwork. Finally, Mrs. Teuber would like to thank Seth MacLowry, a teacher of Creative Writing at Maine West High School who shared this town project with a young and inspired teacher many moons ago.

We hope you enjoy your visit to these towns.

For more information about the town project, please contact Mundelein High School English Teacher Meredith Teuber at mteuber@d120.org

Our Town Projects are products created entirely by students enrolled in Creative Writing at Mundelein High School, Mundelein, Illinois.

©2022 by Mundelein High School Creative Writing Students