
Profession: Ship Mechanic

Nationality: American/Caucasian

Age: 38

Height: 6'1"

Likes: Working on ships, Traveling throughout space, Planets with abundant nature  

Dislikes: Planets dying due to human interference, Know-it-alls  


Reed has always been a space farer. Doesn’t remember a time when he wasn’t on the Wailing Badger, sailing across space. He loves it. Learned to repair ships and whatnot from his father, and it’s still one of his biggest passions. He has no plans of ever changing the direction that his life is going in.

Reed mostly keeps to himself. The Wailing Badger is a large ship with a lot of people who also want to travel through space, but he usually just stays in the repair bay of the ship. Not because he’s antisocial, but just because he doesn’t see a reason to go make new friends that probably won’t be there for long. After all, people who board the Wailing Badger usually do so to find somewhere new to settle down.