Afterlife Series

Profession: Warrior in Gods army

Species: Angel

Age: 528

Height: 6'7"

Likes: Fighting in Gods name, Protecting the innocent 

Dislikes: Being gaslit, Being lied to


Lina was born male, but no one ever treated her as a man. Her entire life she had been referred to as a girl, and she didn’t know why. The truth is, her parents had always wanted a little girl, but instead were blessed with a boy. But they couldn’t have that. So they gaslit Lina, forcing her to present feminine, and asked others around them to do the same. Eventually, she just embraced it in every way except for physically. She has a hard time fully transitioning, and is still trying to figure out why the people in her life were so persistent on telling her she was a girl. But at this point, she does want to stay presenting as a female no matter what. Lina joined Gods army in her early 200’s, as she was built perfectly for the role.