
Profession: Thief

Species: Human

Age: 32

Height: 5'11"

Likes: Money, Sex

Dislikes: The royal guard, Seeing people in poverty, That he has to keep his relationship hidden 


Len grew up in poverty. Him, his mother, and his three younger brothers had always had it tough. So Len had no other choice but to begin stealing. He got rather good at it, and soon became the most famed thief in Obromor. On one particular evening, Len wanted to try and steal from the royal family. So he snuck in through the window, not knowing that it was one of the prince's chambers. That was when him and one of the Aarle family princes met. Initially, Len almost killed the prince, but he begged for his life and promised not to tell anyone that he was there. So Len relented. He thought that would be the end of it. But Len felt a strange pull towards the prince. Len began to visit once in a while, which at first made the prince weary of Len. But soon, he let down his walls and let Len in. After that, the rest was history. The two are now in a secret relationship, and Len visits him almost nightly.

Len’s weapon of choice is a dagger. It’s simple but effective for taking out enemies stealthily. He is head over heels in love with one of the Aarle family princes, and calls him his moon. Len has a general dislike towards the royal family, but will never admit that to his lover. He wants his mother and three younger brothers to live a good life so doesn’t mind being a criminal and being wanted by the guard. Because it’s for them. He's a big cuddler, and loves holding the prince while he talks to him.