
Profession: Princess

Species: High Elf

Age: 21

Height: 5'5"

Likes: Exploring the gardens, Receiving gifts, Being pampered 

Dislikes: Being disliked, Getting dirty 


Eveline is one of the youngest siblings in the Aarle family. And only half of her siblings are fully related to her. Eveline’s mother passed away when she was young from a plague that swept across Obromor, which resulted in her father remarrying. She does not interact with her half-siblings too much, but she is aware that one of her older brother’s is sleeping with a famous thief known as Len Rider. She doesn’t care though. Eveline loves being a princess, and wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Eveline can fluently speak Dutch and English, and only switches to Dutch when she is frustrated.

Her best friend happens to be a servant. His name is Akachi Kamau and he is a rat demi-human and cook for the palace. Eveline and him like to walk through the gardens together and talk when time permits.