2021-2022 Sabin Saints Track

2021-2022 Sabin Saints Track Information:

TRACK SEASON WILL OFFICIALLY BEGIN ON March 9th FOR ALL INTERESTED BOYS. WE ARE LOOKING FOR 6TH/7TH/8THGRADERS WHO LIKE TO RUN, JUMP and/or THROW THE SHOT PUT. There will be a short informational meeting on March 3rd in the cafeteria @3:45, and you may practice on March 9th if all requirements have been met.

  • You must have a current physical and blue card signed off by Mrs. Russom prior to attending practice. Physicals must be turned into Mrs. Russom by March 9, 2022, and you may not attend practice without a physical/blue card signed off by Mrs. Russom. If you participated in football, wrestling or basketball your physical may be valid, check with Mrs. Russom.

  • Track is a no cut sport and each grade level team will compete against the eight other D11 middle schools at Garry Barry Stadium on either Wednesdays or Thursday each week and Saturdays.

  • Students will report to the gym after school on the first day of practice with a verified blue card from Mrs. Russom that confirms they have fulfilled the requirements to participate. Students should come to each practice prepared with a water bottle, snack, and properly equipped to participate (cold/rain gear, running shoes, etc. (no jeans)).

  • Sports Fees are $50/$33/$17 and you must provide a free/reduced letter.

  • Parents will pick up students outside of the gym doors NLT 5:30 p.m.

Please let us know if you have any questions that we can answer. Please see Ms. London in room 103 if you have any questions.

Thank You

Coach London (Head Coach) Cynthia.London@D11.org

Coach Lewis (Co-Coach Boys) Jordan.Tunney@D11.org

  • Please see Ms. London in room 103 if you have any questions.

Please use this link to sign up for Sabin Saints Track Sign Up
