
The Guidance Committee has always endeavored to promote positive value education to students. Apart from regularly organizing different activities, talks and visits for the benefit of students ‘ full development, it has also cooperated with the Discipline Committee in following up individual student cases. It is hoped that by influencing lives with lives, the two teams can effectively assist in students’ whole-person development.


  • 幫助學生建立一套正確的價值觀,提升學生的個人素質(明智、正義、勇毅和節制能力兼備)。

  • 發展學生的個人潛能,從而提高學習效能,促進學生全面成長。

  • 協助學生發展良好的人際關係,與人和睦相處及建立互助友愛的校園生活。

  • 加強家長與學校的溝通和合作,貫徹家校合一的理念。


  • To assist students to develop the right set of values and enhance their personal qualities (wisdom, justice, courage, perseverance and self-discipline)

  • To develop students ‘ potential, improve their learning effectiveness and promote their all-round development

  • To help students to develop good interpersonal skills and build a harmonious campus

  • To strengthen communication between parents and the school and collaborate in effectively implementing different educational policies