
CWCC Alumni Association Annual General Meeting 2023-2024 


Dear alumni:


The CWCC Alumni Association cordially invites you to join our Annual General Meeting to be held on Saturday, 27 January 2024 at 5:30 pm at Room 214, Carita Wu Cheng-chung Secondary School (8 Northcote Close, Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong).




Tung Lap Ming


CWCC Alumni Association







時間:       下午5:30

舉行地點: 明愛胡振中中學 214 (香港薄扶林羅富國徑8)








🎉 2024校友家庭日活動!🎉

一起來共度一個充滿回憶的晚上,為我們心愛的校園惜別吧!🏫✨ 在今學年之後,我們將遷至位於東涌的校園!🌟


🗓 日期: 2024127 ()

時間:下午3點至下午6 (參觀CWCC校園) / 晚上6點至830 (聚餐)

📍 地點:CWCC校園 (香港薄扶林羅富國徑8)


📣 我們誠意邀請各位校友、老師返校相聚,回顧久違的校園,重溫昔日點滴!🎓✨


🌟 活動亮點:

1️ 走訪校園各處

2️ 與朋友聚舊

3️ 美味晚宴

4️ 娛樂及活動


🎟️ 枱數有限!立即透過https://forms.gle/APBxK3TyxuSxZzk69 報名參加 (18()截止報名)🎉


🌟  請廣發以上資訊,標記其他校友,邀約一起重返校園!期待與你們相聚!🎉✨


#振中人 #校友聚會 #道別校園 #新的開始 #回憶在此

🎉 CWCC Alumni Family Day 2024 Announcement! 🎉 

Join us for a nostalgic evening as we bid farewell to our beloved school campus. 🏫✨ After this academic year, we'll be moving to our brand-new location in Tung Chung! 🌟


🗓 Date: January 27th, 2024 (Sat)

⏰ Time: 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM (Free Time for Visit) / 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM (Dinner Time)

📍 Venue: CWCC Campus (8 Northcote Close Pok Fu Lam)


📣 We are inviting all alumni and former teachers to come together and celebrate the memories we've made in this cherished place. It's time to relive the laughter, friendships, and unforgettable moments from the past years! 🎓✨


🌟 Highlights of the Event:

1️ Walk down memory lane

2️ Reconnect with old friends

3️ Delicious dinner

4️ Entertainment and activities


🎟️ Limited spots available! Please RSVP by https://forms.gle/APBxK3TyxuSxZzk69 (Deadline: January 8th, 2024 (Monday)) 🎉


🌟 Spread the word and tag your fellow alumni! Let's make this year Alumni Family Day an evening to remember. See you there! 🎉✨


#CWCC#AlumniGathering #FarewellToTheCampus #NewBeginnings #MemoriesMadeHere 

Result of Nomination of the Election of Alumni Manager of The Incorporated Management Committee of Caritas Wu Cheng-chung Secondary School 2023-2025


By the end of nomination period (28th June, 2023), only one valid application from Mr. Lam Yat Fan has been received. According to the election procedures, if only one eligible candidate is nominated, no election shall be conducted and such candidate shall be automatically nominated by Caritas Wu Cheng-chung Secondary School Alumni Association as the CWCC IMC Alumni Manager.

For and on behalf of

Caritas Wu Cheng-chung Secondary School Alumni Association

Mr. Lee Man Kit, Returning Officer 



校友校董選舉主任 李文傑 謹啟


CWCC Alumni Family Day 2023

Dear Alumni,


We are pleased to announce that Caritas Wu Cheng-Chung Secondary School (CWCC) will be hosting the "CWCC Alumni Family Day 2023" on Saturday, July 8th, 2023. The event will take place at our Pokfulam campus, and we cordially invite all alumni to join us for a delightful afternoon. Each participant will receive a memorable souvenir to commemorate the occasion.


Please note that the registration deadline is July 3rd, and the quota for the "Bakery Workshop" is limited. If the number of registered participants exceeds the maximum quota, allocation will be determined by lottery. Therefore, we encourage alumni to register as soon as possible.


To register for the event, please use the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe9UGLWfOIFgLyTpz66Vo3ri6WssHHEhLbMSsfEuYblMaFT3Q/viewform


For more details about the event, please refer to the poster. If you have any inquiries, please contact Ms. Lui at the school. We look forward to welcoming you back to the campus on July 8th!




CWCC Alumni Association


Contact number: 2817 2318 | Website: www.cwcc.edu.hk












電話:2817 2318|網站:www.cwcc.edu.hk










1.             候選人資格:校友會所有普通會員,均有資格成為候選人。

2.             任期:由正式註冊為校董當日起計,為期兩年(不足一學年亦作一學年計算),若連任則不得超過一次,停任兩年後才可再參選。

3.             投票人資格:凡普通會員均符合資格投票,所有合資格投票人都享有同等的投票權。

4.             候選人提名:每名候選人必須得到一個提名人及兩個和議人的簽署方為有效,提名人及和議人必須是認可校友會的會員。

5.             投票方法:投票的校友須於當天親臨學校投票站,待核實身份後領取選票。填妥選票後,將選票投入投票箱內。投票以不記名方式進行,及投票不能以授權方式進行。

6.             點票:點票工作將於714日(星期五)下午8時於學校會議室進行,歡迎各校友屆時親臨監票。結果於點票後當天在校友會網頁上公佈。

7.             當選者:點票後,獲得最多選票的候選人,將獲提名註冊為校友校董。若兩個或以上候選人得票相同,將以抽簽決定當選人。




若有任何疑問,請致電2817 2318聯絡校友會顧問老師呂寶儀或致電郵cwcc_aa@yahoo.com.hk向校友會查詢。


校友校董選舉主任 李文傑 謹啟


Election of Nominee to Register as Alumni Manager for the Incorporated Management Committee of Caritas Wu Cheng-chung Secondary School 2023-2025

8th June, 2023

Dear Alumni,

We are glad to invite nominations for the election of the Alumni Manager, who is going to serve a term of office of 2 years starting from 1 September 2023.


Nomination and election procedures are as follows:

Points to note


1.       Eligibility for candidates: All ordinary alumni of the school are eligible to become candidates.

2.       Term of office: Two years from the date official registration as a school manager (less than one academic year shall be counted as one academic year), and no more than one consecutive term shall be served, and re-election may be held after two years of suspension.

3.       Eligibility for voters: All ordinary members are eligible to vote, and all eligible voters have the same voting rights.

4.       Nomination of candidates: To be eligible for nomination, each candidate shall be supported by signatures of one proposer and two seconders (all are eligible alumni).

5.       Voting method: Alumni are required to vote in person in the school. Voting is conducted by secret ballot and voting cannot be by proxy.

6.       Counting of votes: The counting of votes will be held at 8:00 pm on 14 July (Friday) in the school conference room. All alumni are welcome to witness the counting of votes. The results will be announced on the Alumni Association website on the same day after the counting of votes.

7.       Elected candidates: After counting the votes, the candidate who obtain the greatest number of votes will be nominated and registered as an alumni manager. If two or more candidates obtain the same number of votes, the successful candidate will be determined by drawing lots.


Any member interested in being a candidate should pay attention to the documentElectoral Charter of Alumni Managers of the Incorporated Management Committee of Caritas Wu Cheng-chung Secondary School ’(Chinese version only) and Guide for Alumni Manager Election and submit the nomination form by 28 June 2023 (Wednesday) to Caritas Wu Cheng-chung Secondary School Alumni Association (8 Northcote Close, Pokfulam, Hong Kong).


If you have any inquiries about the aforementioned election, please feel free to contact Ms Lui Po Yee at 2817 2318 or contact me by email cwcc_aa@yahoo.com.hk.


Thank you very much for your attention.


For and on behalf of

Caritas Wu Cheng-chung Secondary School Alumni Association

Mr. Lee Man Kit, Returning Officer


General Meeting of CWCC Alumni Association

日期:2022831 ()



備註:Zoom ID 和密碼將於830() 經電郵予已報名的校友。


有興趣參加周年會員大會的校友,請於 829 () 或之前於網上登記:https://forms.gle/VACZm4jNiHQVZDuu9


Date: 31 August 2022 (Wed)

Time: 8:00 pm

Format: Online


The Zoom ID and password of the meeting will be sent to participants via email on Tuesday, August 30, 2022.


If you are interested to attend the Annual General Meeting, please register online at: https://forms.gle/VACZm4jNiHQVZDuu9 on or before Monday, August 29, 2022.




校友校董選舉主任 李文傑 謹啟

Result of Nomination of the Election of Alumni Manager of The Incorporated Management Committee of Caritas Wu Cheng-chung Secondary School 2021-2023

By the end of nomination period (4th June, 2021), only one valid application from Mr. Lam Yat Fan has been received. According to the election procedures, if only one eligible candidate is nominated, no election shall be conducted and such candidate shall be automatically nominated by Caritas Wu Cheng-chung Secondary School Alumni Association as the CWCC IMC Alumni Manager.

For and on behalf of

Caritas Wu Cheng-chung Secondary School Alumni Association

Mr. Lee Man Kit, Returning Officer








1.     候選人資格:校友會所有普通會員,均有資格成為候選人。

2.     任期:由正式註冊為校董當日起計,為期兩年(不足一學年亦作一學年計算),若連任則不得超過一次,停任兩年後才可再參選。

3.     投票人資格:凡普通會員均符合資格投票,所有合資格投票人都享有同等的投票權。

4.     候選人提名:每名候選人必須得到一個提名人及兩個和議人的簽署方為有效,提名人及和議人必須是認可校友會的會員。

5.     投票方法:投票的校友須於當天親臨學校投票站,待核實身份後領取選票。填妥選票後,將選票投入投票箱內。投票以不記名方式進行,及投票不能以授權方式進行。

6.     點票:點票工作將於618日(星期五)下午8時於學校會議室進行,歡迎各校友屆時親臨監票。結果於點票後當天在校友會網頁上公佈。

7.     當選者:點票後,獲得最多選票的候選人,將獲提名註冊為校友校董。若兩個或以上候選人得票相同,將以抽簽決定當選人。




若有任何疑問,請致電2293 7730聯絡校友會顧問老師呂寶儀或致電郵cwcc_aa@yahoo.com.hk向校友會查詢。


校友校董選舉主任 李文傑 謹啟


Re: Election of Nominee to Register as Alumni Manager for the Incorporated Management Committee of Caritas Wu Cheng-chung Secondary School 2021-2023

Dear Alumni,

We are glad to invite nominations for the election of the Alumni Manager, who is going to serve a term of office of 2 years starting from 1 September 2021.

Nomination and election procedures are as follows:

Any member interested in being a candidate should pay attention to the document ‘Electoral Charter of Alumni Managers of the Incorporated Management Committee of Caritas Wu Cheng-chung Secondary School ’and ‘Guide for Alumni Manager Election’and submit the nomination form by 4 June 2021 (Friday) to Caritas Wu Cheng-chung Secondary School Alumni Association (8 Northcote Close, Pokfulam, Hong Kong).


If you have any inquiries about the aforementioned election, please feel free to contact Ms Lui Po Yee at 2293 7730 or contact me by email cwcc_aa@yahoo.com.hk.


Thank you very much for your attention.


For and on behalf of

Caritas Wu Cheng-chung Secondary School Alumni Association

Mr. Lee Man Kit, Returning Officer







日期:        2021年3月20日 (六)

時間:       下午12:30

舉行地點: 明愛胡振中中學 (香港薄扶林羅富國徑8號)






參加者於報名時可選擇親身出席或透過網上視像會議平台Zoom於線上參與會議。Zoom ID 和密碼將於3月19日(五) 經電郵予已報名的校友。


有興趣參加周年會員大會的校友,請於 318 () 或之前於網上登記:https://forms.gle/PVm78DT77K27pJXk7 








General Meeting of CWCC Alumni Association


Date:   20 March 2021 (Sat)

Time:  12:30 pm

Venue: Caritas Wu Cheng-chung Secondary School (8 Northcote Close, Pokfulam, Hong Kong)


Remarks :

Alumni could join the meeting via Zoom or to attend it physically.


Please indicate your preference for joining the meeting via Zoom or to attend it physically while registration.  The Zoom ID and password of the meeting will be sent to participants via email on Friday, March 19, 2021.


If you are interested to attend the Annual General Meeting, please register online at: https://forms.gle/PVm78DT77K27pJXk7 on or before Thursday, March 18, 2021.  




日期:2021320 (星期六)











時間:           下午2:00

舉行地點:    明愛胡振中中學 (香港薄扶林羅富國徑8號)

會議議程:    1.     通過上次會員大會記錄

                   2.     2020年會務報告

                   3.     2020年財政報告

                   4.     其他事項









 校友校董選舉主任 李文傑 謹啟






有關參選資格及選舉安排,請參閱《校友校董選舉章程》《教育條例 – 有關校友校董選舉的規定》。有意參選者,請下載及填妥提名/自薦為候選人表格,於2019年5月17日或以前交回香港薄扶林羅富國徑8號明愛胡振中中學校友會收。

若有任何疑問,請致電2293 7727聯絡校友會顧問老師阮倩茵或致電郵cwccssaa@gmail.com向校友會查詢。

校友校董選舉主任 李文傑 謹啟
