Northview Wrestling

About US

Boys Wrestle Mon & Wed 2:12-3:04pm/ Weight Room Tues, Thurs, & Friday 2:12-3:04pm


A big part of Northview wrestling is funded by our bingo night every Wednesday at the American Legion 5:30-10 pm. The money helps pay for our tournaments, food, travel affairs, and camps. Our program needs help with more volunteers running the fundraiser. (Must be 18 to volunteer) Also spread the word if you know anyone who would like to play bingo to come!

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6 Steps To Being Successful Wrestler

Being a successful wrestler takes more than just having the best wrestling shoes and wrestling gear. You also need self-discipline, patience, and a strong work ethic. Here are six habits of successful wrestlers that can help you get into a champion's mindset.

1. Successful wrestlers always show up. The first step in becoming a successful wrestler is to always show up, period. Whether it's a team practice or a morning workout, successful wrestlers always show up and give it their all. If you're serious about wrestling, don't skip practice!

2. Successful wrestlers take responsibility. The most successful wrestlers don't complain, blame others for their problems, or try to justify their mistakes. Actions like these allow you to give up responsibility for solving your own problems by placing them on someone else. This damages the team dynamic and causes wrestlers to become unfocused, which can hurt performance.

3. Successful wrestlers go the extra mile. One common characteristic of many successful wrestlers is a willingness to always do a little bit extra. Wrestlers who are truly serious about being successful will put in the extra time needed to refine their techniques, increase their strength, and perfect their match strategy.

4. Successful wrestlers communicate with their coaches and team. Coaches can't read your mind, so effective communication skills are a must for any successful wrestler. Keep the lines of communication open between you, your coach, and your team in order to improve cohesion and promote learning and growth.

5. Successful wrestlers set goals. Each day is an opportunity for you to improve your wrestling skills, and one of the best ways to do that is to set daily goals for yourself. Successful wrestlers constantly look for opportunities to improve, and many use goal setting to stay on track and measure their progress.

6. Successful wrestlers study other wrestlers. If you want to be successful, emulate people who have already achieved success. Many successful wrestlers study other wrestlers in order to learn new techniques and strategies. There's always something new to learn in the world of wrestling, and studying other successful wrestlers is a great way to improve your skills and keep you humble.

To be a successful wrestler, you have to be open to learning new things and willing to put in a lot of hard work, but in the end it's all worth it. Try incorporating the habits above into your daily life, and watch as your wrestling game improves.