NMHS Reads
What Is It?
Our summer literacy challenge is designed to keep you engaged in reading, writing, and thinking! You choose your books and activities. You even have the chance to win prizes!
100 Points
100 points will earn you an invitation to our summer literacy challenge celebration!
200 Points
200 points will earn you an invitation to our summer literacy challenge celebration PLUS an exciting additional surprise!
Win Your Grade!
The highest points earner at each grade level will also be recognized!
Submit the Google form with the title and author of your book & a quick rating
Turn your favorite page into a blackout or found poem
Create a piece of art to represent a character in the book
Read a book with a family member (snap a picture of reading together)
Write a book review for the library catalog
Create fake social media posts by a character or important figure in the text
Create a music playlist for your book (explain how the music ties in)
Write a letter to the author explaining the impact the book had on you (bonus: submit proof that you mailed the letter)
Write an alternate ending to the book
Record a book talk on this flip grid: https://flipgrid.com/4e2df93c
Create a poem or song to respond to a book
Write a review of a book
Show the plot of a book in only gifs or memes
Complete a one-pager
Reading Response journals
Text Brain Heart response for a novel
Read a book and watch its TV/movie adaptation and create a compare/contrast presentation
Create a 60 second movie trailer for a book that has not been turned into a movie or tv show
Create a storyboard for a book that has not been turned into a movie or tv show
With a partner or group, retell your book (with a twist!) in a visual format using audio and video
Create a comic/graphic version of a chapter or more of the book
Loiselle@CVSU.org; TOGrady@CVSU.org; ABushey@CVSU.org; CGilman@CVSU.org; CHigh@CVSU.org; CKissel@CVSU.org