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Music Room

Need to book an appointment to get help from Mr. Westberg outside of class? Email westbergj@cvcaonline.net

Notes from the Tea Tray

Week 1: 8/16-8/22

Another day of life, another thing to be thankful for. As we enter this unique school year, let's take a moment to count what we're thankful for. For example, I'm thankful I get to work with some of greatest M.I.T.'s! (That's Musicians-In-Training). It will be a bit different working with you through screens again, but we'll make the best of it and it will be fantastic!

This time in our lives makes me think of Esther. We've been put in a seemingly impossible situation beyond our wildest imagination. Yet somehow, we still have to carry on as best we can and continue to do the Lord's work. Just as God made sure Esther was ready for her journey as queen, He has made sure you and I are ready for our journey through digital learning. Remember - God will never put you in a situation He can't get you through!

So as you embark on this strange, new journey- I'd like to encourage you to reach out to your friends. Encourage each other, lift each other up, and remind each other that no one is in this alone. If you ever feel like you need some help or just want to say hello - always feel free to email me at westbergj@cvcaonline.net

Best wishes as we start this year together!

~ Mr. Westberg