Graphic Design

Andrew Zuiderveld

Andrew Zuiderveld - Photoshop Basics

In this project, I learned the basics of Photoshop. I liked the filter I used on this image of Cole Shannon and put it on the CVC logo. If I were to change anything, I would center it more in front of the logo.

Andrew Zuiderveld - My Name Is

In this project, we used a tutorial to explore different components of Photoshop. I followed one that put my name in honey on a piece of bread. I like the finished project but if I were going to change anything I would have cut out the plates and hands better.

Andrew Zuiderveld - Fish out of Water

In this project, we used layer masks and other tools in order to make a sea creature appear out of water. I added some tuna and a shark into New York. I really like the finished project and I don't think I would change anything.

Andrew Zuiderveld - Photo retouching

In this project, we learned what it would be like to be a professional who retouches photos. I made my teeth whiter, removed acne, changed the color of my flannel, and made my eyes more blue. If I were to change anything in this project, I would have made my skin more tan.

Andrew Zuiderveld - I Inked Myself

In this project, we took photos of our self and placed them into one picture. Once we did this we added tattoos to our body. I like the flames on my arms. If I were to change anything, I would taken more time on making sure the shadows show up better.

Andrew Zuiderveld - Then and Now

In this project, we had combine a picture of ourselves currently and a picture of us as a child. This was definitely the toughest project but I am happy with the way it turned out. We learned how to adjust the currently picture to make it look like the old picture.

Andrew Zuiderveld - Animal Discovery

In this project, we had to combine two animals to create a new one. I picked an Albino Deer and a Dalmatian. We had to learn how to use adjustment layers and other tools in order for it to look real. I am really happy with the finished project.

Andrew Zuiderveld - Comic Booked

In this project, we turned pictures into a comic that tells a story. We learned how to turned pictures into comic-like drawings. I really liked this project because Mr. Gann provided very funny photos to tell a story with.