

After reading for 20 minutes, choose one idea and write at least 4 sentences. Students should be completing two journal entries each week. Write the title of your book at the top of the page and indicate the letter of the question you are writing about. They can choose any question to respond to, but I ask that they don’t choose the same question repeatedly.

In order to receive full credit for homework, students must turn in their journal on time with neat handwriting, answered the journal entries completely in at least 4 sentences, and have completed the homework cover sheet with parent initials.

Homework is checked for accuracy but it is not corrected. Please note that late or missing homework will also be noted on the report card.

Be creative and have fun reading and writing!

When is it due & What is it?

Homework will go home on Monday and is due the following Monday (unless we have a Monday off). Each week you will find a cover page, math page, and a reading response journal. The cover page tells you the assignment to do each night and has a place where you must write the title of the book and initial that this reading was done. Students may choose any book from any genre, as long as it's "just right" for them. I want them to enjoy reading! They may also utilize Raz-Kids.

Helpful Tips

  1. Keep your child’s homework folder in one spot so that it is not lost. Lost response journals will be the responsibility of the parent to replace.
  2. Alternate reading pages of the book out loud so that your child can also hear you model good reading fluency.
  3. Talk with your child about the question they’ve selected for their reading response. Have them verbally tell you how they’d answer this question before actually writing it. Talking it out sometimes help those writers that are stuck.
  4. Don’t wait until bedtime to read! Most second graders do not have the stamina to do homework after 7pm. Having a routine of doing homework after school, or having an hour break after school and then starting homework seems to work well.
  5. Have students check their math work by solving using another strategy or solving it again.
  6. Five tips for helping your child at home with the common core curriculum: 5 Tips|Academic Resources
  7. Utilize the Castro Valley Library and our Proctor Library to find “Just Right” books for your child. Links below:

Castro Valley Library Website

Proctor Library

8. Book Lists: Book Series for 2nd Graders | Scholastic Book Series for Grades 2-3 | Read Brightly Chapter Books |

Popular 3rd Grade Book List | 50 Best 2nd Grade Books | Best Books for Second-Graders | Themed Books