Frau's Page of Information

Welcome to 2020-2021!!

We got this!

Google classroom and Remind codes:

Google classroom Codes:

German 1 (2nd period): 3mx4zsc

German 1 (6th period): 5d62nst

German 2: ckecrf2

German 3: na6p3o4

AP German: dtnidwm

Remind Codes:

German 1 (all): @bc8h4h

German 2: @3aa663d8

German 3: @d2db4ack

AP German: @a9k633g3

General Information:

1) All student work should be submitted via google classroom on one slideshow on or before the due date.

2) I will share a Playlist with every class, every week through google classroom. This Playlist will have an overview of that week.

3) I will update Aeries every other week or sooner. Late work will be graded for half credit when I have a moment to grade it.

4) The google meet codes for every period are located on the google classroom page. Please arrive early and be ready to learn. Ideally on a computer with headphones.

5) Please email me any questions: