Upcoming Events
Volunteer Appreciation Event (May 17th)
MEO (Milpitas Elementary Olympics) (May 18th)
MESO (Milpitas Elementary Science Olympiad) (May 25th)
Speech Tournament/ Club
6th Grade Social
Curtner Field Day
6th Grade/ TK/Kinder Promotion
Volunteers Needed
Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) heavily relies on the dedication and contributions of its volunteers. Volunteers play a crucial role in the success and effectiveness of the PTA, and their efforts are often the backbone of the organization. You can help with:
Event Organizing and Support
Classroom support and assistance
Event Support
Academic enrichment coaching and MORE...
For more details check the Volunteering page or contact curtnervolunteer@gmail.com
Curtner Elementary Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our volunteer-driven PTA Board is comprised of dedicated parents and teachers who organize 20+ PTA programs annually.
Please help PTA by donating to the annual fund which provide extra resources and programs which are not provided for by the district funds. The funds will help PTA maximize your child's potential by providing:
Exclusive opportunities to participate in state/national level tournaments, music/arts/academic programs
Improved school facilities and materials, which cannot be funded solely using district funds
Support organizing field trips that provide experiential learning, enhance social skills, increased engagement and motivation, improved critical thinking and observation skills
Cultural events, and extracurricular activities
Parent-School Communication: Through PTAs, parents and teachers can collaborate more effectively to address students' needs and concerns.
Be informed, engaged and influence school policies and decisions
A Top Performing School
MUSD (Milpitas Unified School District) is a high achieving school district in California, and Curtner Elementary is one of its finest schools. The students, teachers, administrators, and staff are great! The parents aren't so bad either.
We are very fortunate to be part of the Curtner Family!
Go to California School Dashboard and learn more about Curtner Elementary School's performance.