Automotive Services Fundamentals (recommended 10-12)- This course introduces automotive safety, basic automotive terminology, system & component identification, knowledge and introductory skills in hand tools, shop equipment, basic servicing, and use of service information. Also careers and various job opportunities in the automotive repair industry will be discussed. As part of the NATEF accreditation, topics are aligned to the Maintenance and Light Repair.
Credential & Certification Opportunities within this Pathway
S/P2 Mechanical Pollution Prevention
S/P2 Mechanical Safety
ASE Entry-Level Certification for:
Maintenance and Light Repair
Electrical/Electronic Systems
Automotive Service Fundamentals-This course introduces automotive safety, basic automotive terminology, system & component identification, knowledge, and introductory skills in hand tools, shop equipment, basic servicing, and use of service information. Also, careers and various job opportunities in the automotive repair industry will be discussed. As part of the ASE Education Foundation accreditation requirement, topics are aligned to the Maintenance and Light Repair (MLR) level of accreditation. English language arts are reinforced. *Due to potentially hazardous processes and equipment a maximum enrollment of 20 is recommended.
Automotive Service I (10-12) Prerequisite Fundamentals-This course develops automotive knowledge and skills in performing scheduled automotive maintenance, servicing, and basic testing of brakes, electrical systems, drivetrain, engine, HVAC, and steering & suspension systems, emphasizing hands-on experience. As part of the NATEF accreditation, topics are aligned to the Maintenance and Light Repair (MLR) requirements.
Automotive Service II (Prerequisite Auto I grades 10-12)-Honors This course builds on the knowledge and skills introduced in Automotive Servicing I and develops advanced knowledge and skills in vehicle system repair and/or replacement of components in the brakes, electrical systems, drivetrain, engine, HVAC and steering & suspension systems, emphasizing hands-on experience. As part of the NATEF accreditation, topics are aligned to the Maintenance and Light Repair (MLR) requirements. English language arts are reinforced.
Automotive Service III (Prerequisite Auto II- 11-12)-Honors This course builds on the skills and knowledge introduced in Automotive Service I & II. Building advanced automotive skills and knowledge in vehicle servicing, testing, repair, and diagnosis of brakes, electrical systems, drivetrain, engine, HVAC, and steering & suspension systems, while emphasizing hands-on experience. As part of the NATEF accreditation, topics are aligned to the Maintenance and Light Repair (MLR) requirements. English language arts and mathematics are reinforced. *Due to potentially hazardous processes and equipment a maximum enrollment of 18 is recommended.
More Advanced Learning Opportunities
Thanks to Crawford Volunteer Fire Department. The automotive students and carpentry students learn how to properly use a fire extinguisher.
CTE Internship This is a local course option and has many requirements. Interns are placed after an application process has been successfully completed. Students also must have completed the highest level course that CCHS offers in the CTE pathways. Internship allows for additional development of career and technical competencies within a general career field. Internships allow students to observe and participate in daily operations, develop direct contact with job personnel, ask questions about particular careers, and perform certain job tasks. This activity is exploratory and allows the student to get hands-on experience in a number of related activities. The teacher, student, and the business community jointly plan the organization, implementation, and evaluation of an internship, regardless of whether it is an unpaid or paid internship
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