English I Summer Reading
Ms. Stolle's Class
Cuero High School
Summer Reading
To participate in English I Honors at Cuero High School, students must read the following book during the summer and pass the test that will be given during the second week of school. This test will be included in the first-six week’s grade as a summative grade.
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Students will be expected to use Post-Its or a journal to take notes as they read. They should pay particular attention to character development, themes, plot development, and literary techniques such as symbolism and foreshadowing. The Post-Its or journal may be used for review prior to the test and these notes will also be used to answer one or more essay questions. These notes should be original. DO NOT use Spark Notes, Cliffs Notes, etc., for these notes.
Students will also be expected to choose one of the summer reading projects to complete. The finished projects will be due on the first Friday of the school year. Please see the section below for more information about the project requirements.
A limited number of copies of the novel are available to be checked out by students on a first come, first served basis. A signed parent acknowledgement is required before any book will be checked out, and the copies are available in the Cuero High School office. The book must be returned on the day of the test. Purchasing your own books is strongly encouraged.
Joining Remind
For extra updates, along with information on how to take notes, please join Ms. Stolle’s Remind account for incoming students by texting @hellocuero to the number 81010. You may also use this number to ask any questions you might have. I look forward to seeing you soon!
For extra updates, along with information on how to take notes, please join Ms. Stolle’s Remind account for incoming students by texting @hicuero to the number 81010. You may also use this number to ask any questions you might have. I look forward to seeing you soon!