Book: Cyber-Physical Systems for Industrial Transformation: Fundamentals, Standards, and Protocols


Publication Part of the Advances in IoT, Robotics, and Cyber-Physical Systems for Industrial Transformation Series

Published by

CRC Press – Taylor & Francis Group ( )

Published by

Cyber-Physical Systems for Industrial Transformation: Fundamentals, Standards, and Protocols

The advances of cyber-physical systems aim to enable capability, adaptability, scalability, resiliency, safety, security, and usability that will far exceed the simple embedded systems of today. The term "cyber-physical systems" (CPS) refers to a new generation of systems that combine computational and physical capabilities to interact with humans in a variety of new ways. It appears as a result of an increase in technological systems in which interactions between interconnected computer systems and the physical environment were prioritized. Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) and the Internet of Things (IoT) advancements are paving the way for a future of hyper-connected objects, computers, and humans.

This book will assist readers in comprehending the fundamentals of CPS, including its standards and protocols within the industrial transformation. In addition, exploring more about emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Blockchain, Robotic Process Automation, Virtual Reality, Edge Computing, and 5G Technology. Furthermore, throughout the book chapters, a merging and futuristic fusion of emerging technologies and cyber-physical systems (CPSs) will be articulated. This fusion will anticipate the current and the future opportunities to bring innovative methods to cyber-physical systems in order to make them more robust and reliable throughout emerging technologies.

List of Topics

The contributors are expected to further the knowhow on state-of-the art research challenges, results, architecture, applications, and other achievements in (but not limited to) the following topics:

Standards, Protocols, and Methodologies of CPS.

Opportunities and challenges for Cyber-Physical Systems in industrial transformation

Optimization and Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems

CPS applications in environmental monitoring, transportation, and healthcare.

Cloud and Virtualization for CPS.

Everything-as-a-Service in CPS.

Real-Time Sensing, Processing, and Actuation Software For CPS.

Communication and Infotainment Systems In CPS.

Fault-Tolerant for CPS.

Security and Privacy issues in CPS.

AI and CPS

IoT and CPS

Blockchain and CPS

5G and CPS

Submission Guidelines

a. The submitted manuscripts have not been published before and are not under consideration for publication anywhere else.

b. The initial chapter/s may be submitted in any format (format free submission) with APA style of referencing. A chapter is recommended to have about 15-20 1.15-spaced A4 pages with 1” margins with 12 font size Times New Roman.

c. Prospective authors should send their manuscripts electronically through the easychair submission system as mentioned below:

d. There is no submission or publication fee.

e. Conference paper may be extended to be a chapter provided extension is more than 70% from the original conference paper.

f. Submitted manuscripts will be refereed by at least two independent and expert reviewers for quality, correctness, originality, and relevance before being accepted for publication.

g. Accepted manuscripts should conform to the standard guidelines of the CRC and Routledge. Manuscripts must be prepared using Word, and according to the guidelines link to guidelines. Manuscripts that do not follow the formatting rules will be ignored for production.


The book publication schedule is as follows:

Deadline for chapter submission: February 28, 2022 April 28, 2022 May 28, 2022

First round notification: March 5, 2022 May 20, 2022 June 28, 2022

Camera-ready submission: April 15, 2022 June 20, 2022 July 15, 2022

Publication date: 4th quarter of 2022
