What's The Matter?

In term 4 we will be looking at properties and changes of matter where matter can be anything that takes up space and has mass. We will also be growing our learning about force and movement.

Experiments to explore

Outrageous Ooze!

This stuff can't make up its mind. Is it liquid or solid?

Let's find out why this experiement is sometimes called 'Elephant's toothpaste

Ice Babies

Follow a set of important instructions to find out what happens to the ice cubes.

Find out what can cause a film canister to shoot like a rocket when certain substances combine together.

Make a copy of the slide presentation and file this into your Inquiry folder.

You will not need to change the slides or background. Follow the order of each slide e.g. Name the experiment, Aim/Purpose, Equipment, Hypothesis/Prediction, Method, Results, Conclusion, Photo. Once your slide is complete please proof read with a buddy. Share with Mr Tyrell before publishing onto your blog.

What’s The Matter? Experiment slides
Science Term 4