Kitchen Chemistry

This term we will be looking at the state of change when two or more substances are added together to create a reaction. We will be exploring why there is a reaction and what causes the reaction.


Why Popping Candy Pops?

Find out why Popping Candy pops when it is put into these liquids: Coca Cola, Cooking Oil, Water, Milk. Investigate which liquid has the strongest reaction against the Popping Candy.

Detergent, milk and food colouring experiment

Find out what happens when detergent, milk and food colouring are mixed together.

Why does Milk Curdle?

Making a Naked Egg

Find out what happens to an egg when you pour vinegar over the egg and leave it for 24 hours

How to make Butter

Find out the process in making butter. There is one key ingredient used to make butter.

Other Experiments we can do, if time allows


Science Investigation Write Up

Please make a copy of this slide show presentation and file it under Inquiry.

You don't need to change the colour scheme or font, as it is perfect just the way it is. Your job is to fill in this template ensuring all areas are covered: Title, Aim, Hypothesis, Equipment List, Method, Results, Conclusion and Photo Gallery. Once these areas are complete you get three friends to check your presentation and then get Miss Paton to do the final check, so it can go onto your blog.

Science: Kitchen Chemistry