Find out where you are

The first step in your Vision 2020 journey is to find out where you stand in terms of your digital literacy and competence. To do that, you will take the Vision 2020 Self-Assessment based on the European Framework of Digital Competence for Educators.

reflect on your results

You will receive a detailed report of your self-assessment results soon after you submit it. You will be asked to reflect on your results in order to plan your next steps, such as setting your Vision 2020 learning goal and designing your learning journey.

design your journey

Having reflected on your current level of digital competence and inspired by the ISTE Standards for Educators, you will set your Vision 2020 goals and design your learning journey. We will help you by suggesting learning opportunities based on your current level of digital competence and Vision 2020 goals.

are you ready to start your vision 2020 journey?

All you need to do is request your access to our Vision 2020 learning platform by clicking HERE.