[World LAnguage]
Welcome, and thanks for visiting our site! We hope to see you in one of our classrooms soon.
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Did you know...?
World Language Department Mission
The Department of World Languages provides programs of study that educate students to live, work, and lead in a complex, technological, and diverse world. Through our development of curriculum guided by the New York State standards, we wish to prepare our students to become contributing citizens in the globalized community of the 21st Century.
Meet our World Language Teachers: Central Square Middle School
Meet our World Language Teachers: Paul V Moore High School
Course Offerings
Central Square Middle School offers French and Spanish levels 1a & 1b. These are introductory courses and are a requirement for graduation. Each student needs to pass the 8th grade World Language course as well as the proficiency exam in order to earn the credit necessary for graduation.
Your child will have the opportunity to continue their World Language journey at Paul V. Moore High School! There, French and Spanish levels 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are offered. Please visit the course description booklet link and find the World Language page. This will give you a more in-depth description of each course that is offered.
*New in 2024! We are offering a new course entitled, "Special topics in Spanish, French, and Latin American Culture" at PVM! This course is taught completely in English and will serve as an elective for 11th and 12th grade students who are interested in studying other cultures, but are not interesting in pursuing college credit.
We have been working hard to update our curriculum to align with the revised New York State Standards. Click the link below to view our goals for the 2023-2024 school year.