This series is designed to help you take adulting to the next level. Learn important life skills such as:

Adulting 101 series includes:

Nonprofit & gov't job fair - oct. 25 - oct. 26

Attend this job fair at the U of M! You'll be able to talk with potential employers and practice your elevator pitch about yourself! We plan to stay the night in the cities, and attend a grad school info session at the U of M as well.  Free to SSS students - all costs covered by TRIO SSS!

Registration closed. 

Crockpot Karaoke - Dec. 4th

Crockpot Karaoke! Wednesday, Dec. 4th / Somers Main Lounge / 4:30 - 8:00pm - stop by any time!

Calling all cooks! We need your help in making a crockpot dish for our Crockpot & Karaoke night. We'll have food (made by you) and karaoke for a night of fun!

Best part? You get to keep the crockpot!

Interested in cooking? Submit your recipe idea here by 11/22. Limit to 10 students. 

Not a cook? Don't want to sing? No worries! You are welcome to come eat and have a good time!

Mix & Mingle: An SSS networking event / Jan. 28 /3:45pm-5:30pm / Student Center Flex space

Join us to learn more about networking at Mix & Mingle! This is a great opportunity to meet fellow SSS students, practice networking, and maybe win a prize! Enjoy some snacks and mocktails by our mocktail mixologist, Ashleen!

People of Color Career Fair - April 15th, 10am - 3pm at St. Paul River Center, St. Paul, MN

The premier networking and hiring experience for professionals of color in the Twin Cities!

Reading your paystub - video

Learn about your paystub through this short video!