Individual Sessions

Sometimes students struggle to focus because a situation or concern is in the forefront of their minds. If a child has something that is "too much on their mind", then a few minutes to talk about it can help. Talking about it with the school counselor may help students feel unburdened or discover new ways to solve the problem. To request to meet with the school counselor, students can ask their teachers or complete a request note. (example below) I usually pick students up within 24-48 hours, depending on the nature of the concern. Parents, teachers, and staff can refer a student for individual counseling using the link to the referral form at the bottom of this page.

Sometimes more focused attention is needed if a child consistently struggles with a problem at school. In that case, I will consult with parents and teachers about next steps. We may consider different interventions at school, or parents may feel outside counseling would be helpful. Collaboration is key: it takes a village to help our kids be their best.

If you would like to consult about your child, feel free to call or email me.
