Formations des communautés, organisations et partenaires

Workshop Calendar 2021.pdf

Health Nexus presents a free online course for service providers on "Supporting Parents When They Experience Mental Health Challenges".

The course consists of three online modules, and is divided into the following topics:

This course is filled with interactive activities and is designed for service providers working with parents who are expecting a baby or have young children. It has been developed in Ontario, Canada, but much of the content is applicable to other jurisdictions.

The goal of this course is to assist service workers to support parents who are struggling with mental health challenges by providing the following information: ​

  • How to recognize the impacts of mental health challenges on parenting.

  • How to help clients who are experiencing a crisis.​

  • How to support the parenting skills of clients with mental health challenges.​

  • And how to recognize when to get more information and support.​

Currently, this course is only available in English.

This is a free on-line course on Breastfeeding. The course is set up in an easy to access “Topics” format. Please create a login and take the course at your own pace.

*Once you have successfully completed all the quizzes in the course, you will be able to print or save your completion certificate.

This course is for service providers who want a better understanding of how to support the healthy growth and development of children. The focus is on healthy weights in children, in the context of healthy child development.

This online course is designed for service providers who work with children aged 2 through 11, and/or their parents.

Each module takes approximately 40 minutes to complete. All the modules will give you practical information and implementation ideas for improving the health of kids.